Friday, April 16, 2010

"Pass The Book" Giveaway

This is my latest drawing and is...yes, you have guessed it...The Woman Who Planted Trees VI. I bet you are wondering whether this series will number into the hundreds. No, I will probably stop at X. I am just enjoying doing them so much. I haven't had much time for drawing lately as I have been busy making cards for my previous giveaway winners. All should be back to normal next week though.

"pass the book" giveaway

Do you remember when I won the "Pass The Book" giveaway from Carolyn of Love Stitching Red blog? Carolyn's prize to me was lots of lovely handcrafted and other goodies which I was absolutely delighted to win. The book is intended to be passed on to the next lucky reader with a selection of some goodies to travel with it. It originated with Emma of Silver Pebble blog and I was the third reader. I have added my name to the inside cover. I must admit that I have kept it a bit too long but it is to be given away now. It is a lovely book and well worth reading.

My goodies giveaway will be some of my handmade cards and prints etc. Just leave a comment on this post and I will pick the winner at random next Sunday and then send "Miss Read" off to her new temporary home.

Who could resist these gorgeous Maureen Minchin ceramics? They are lovely and bright and quirky.
Maureen lives and works in the Scottish Highlands. You can see more of her work here at Imagine Gallery and here at Cambridge Gallery.

We went Geocaching again on Sunday for the first time for months. We found the first two caches easily but the next three eluded us. We must be out of practice. We incorporated the search into a lovely walk in the countryside. The weather was superb - quite hot in fact. Everyone was out enjoying the sunshine after being cooped up all winter.

Here is one of the lovely lanes we walked up

and lots of lovely green fields we wandered past

The weather has really brought the fruit trees and hawthorn into full bloom recently. They are quite superb and I cannot get enough photos of them.

and these two mischief makers were following me around on my walk this afternoon. They seemed to be unattended but they may have temporarily escaped their owner.

I love the deliciously coloured landscape etchings of Rebecca Vincent. She has a real knack for producing lovely patchwork layers of texture and colour. Rebecca is a Northumbrian artist and printmaker who together with artist colleague Carol Nunan runs the Horsley Printmakers. They produce handmade prints and undertake printmaking workshops. I wish I lived there. I would definitely take a few workshops with them. My maternal family come from Northumberland and it is a very beautiful county. You can find their website here.

Patchwork Landscape - Ploughed Field 2007

Windswept Farmhouse Card

Did anyone follow the excellent Monty Don series called Mastercrafts? Monty explored British crafts along with three people in each show who were completely new to the craft. I watched the stained glass and the weaving episodes on i Player a few weeks ago. The weaving was mind blowing. Three artistic young people were taken in hand by experienced weaver Margot Selby and taught to weave in 6 weeks. Even the setting up of the threads on the loom was incredibly complicated and that was before they started weaving fabric. One tiny thread out of place could, and did, spell disaster for the design. Two of the participants, Holly Berry and Tref Davies got the hang of it very quickly and produced some amazingly complex cloths at the end of the 6 week period, but the third girl found it very difficult to even get the loom threaded up.

Below you can see what they achieved. Holly's is on the left. I loved her design and the colours she had chosen. Tref's was also amazing and very complex. I imagined what I could produce in just six weeks and I could never have come up with anything like theirs, providing I got the loom threaded in the first place. They are obviously both natural weavers. Holly has a blog here with more pictures of her weaving. You can find Margot Selby's website here with some images of the three weavers. Margot is one of the few professional weavers in the country who are able to make a living from their craft.

Holly Berry and Tref Davies's woven fabrics.

I couldn't have an art blog without mentioning James Lynch, although a lot of people will probably know of him. He has a magical talent for portraying a glowing, light filled world that we would all like to inhabit. He is well known for his visionary paintings containing beautiful animals but recently has concentrated on the Somerset, Dorset areas. He uses a time consuming technique of egg tempera for his work and the results are exquisite. I also found out from his website here that he has produced a book of his paintings acompanied by the work of three poets. Sounds like it would be well worth getting.


Leaping Hare

Goose In A Field Of Corn

Annie Smits Sandano's website is an absolute delight to visit. Annie was born in Brazil and moves between there and New Zealand. She is a very successful artist/printmaker. She has the most wonderful sense of design and her birds are quite exquisite. I love her two mixed media figurative pieces below too. You can find her here.

Pepe Wahine Waituhi

Kura Paru Circles

Kauri Green With Tuis

Tui Tane Waituhi


  1. Hi Cathy
    I was just going to switch off when I spotted this post.

    Such wonderful work and, as always, I'm struck by the sheer range of styles and subject matter shown by so many talented people!

    Like you, I thoroughly enjoyed the Monty Don programme on weaving and was lucky to stumble on it by chance.

    Wonderful photos of your country walk, too. Bye for now, Lesley

  2. So many things to comment on, I'd fill an entire post with them! I too was glued to the Mastercrafts series and was inspired to have a go at each one (sadly not practical presently).The greenwood and blacksmith ones also produced amazing pieces: a lot of hard work but well worth it.
    Thanks for another wonderful selection of artwork to peruse.

  3. I came here from Love Stitching Red. Your blog is beautiful, I am now following it. The ceramics are awesome too. i will have to visit that blog as well.

  4. Hi, I've just discovered your blog from Love Stitching Red... and what a joy! I came over to be included in the draw for the book (which I saw leave SilverPebble)but I'm quite certain I'll be back to see more of your lovely drawings.

  5. Wow, there's so much eye candy in this wonderful post! I'll have to come back later and have another read, there's so much to take in. All the images are stunning, either photos or artists' work. Those gorgeous dogs looked like they were up to no good - did you check your pockets after they'd gone?!


  6. As a devoted follower of Carolyn's blog I read her post about the "pass the book" giveaway and came right over. So glad I did. Your art is so fun and colorful and beautiful. I myself am a fiber (and mixed media) artist - as I'm afraid my skills in drawing and painting aren't very good - but I so admire lovely work. Thanks for sharing those beautiful ceramic pieces. I'm off now to check out Marueens site. Her bird pottery is really unique. Please do enter me in pass the book - I would love to participate!

  7. I am glad I got here from Carolyns blogi as your drawings and artwork are superb and inspirational

  8. Have blogged your giveaway Cathy, and will post about your other things when I'm back. Good luck with the giveaway!


  9. what a lovely blog! I came by way of Carolyn and I will be back!!

  10. How fun to find your blog via Caroline's. Lovely art you share here. Yours is fantastic.

    I'd love to be considered in the Pass the Book giveaway. Good luck to all!

  11. Hi Lesley, yes that Monty Don series was excellent. I loved the stained glass programme too. That is something I would love to try.

  12. You are very welcome Tammy. Wouldn't it be lovely to see lots more programmes like the Mastercrafts series. There are not enough art and craft programmes on in my opinion...haha.

  13. Hi Jasmine. Thanks for visiting and commenting and glad you like what you see. So much art and craft on the Internet and so little

  14. Thanks Gina. Carolyn has certainly popularised my blog...haha. I look forward to pulling out the winner's name next Sunday.

  15. Hi Jo, they worried me a bit because they both came charging up to me and barking but luckily they were friendly. I loved watching them bounding through the wood and sniffing everything. They were so different that they looked quite comical together.

  16. Hi Cathie, it is nice to see you here and I am glad you like the featured artists. Maureen's ceramics are quite gorgeous and colourful. I will certainly put you in the draw for the book giveaway.

  17. Thanks Lorraine, although most of what I post is not mine..sadly. I usually put my offerings at the top of the blog. I would definitely love to claim authorship of all the wonderful things I find on the Internet though. There are some amazing artists and craftspeople out there.

  18. Thanks Carolyn. You have made me famous...haha. I have never had so many comments to publish in one day.

  19. Thanks very much La Dolce Vita. I am pleased you like the blog.

  20. Thanks Lynn. I will definitely put you in the "hat" for the draw.

  21. I like this action of pass the same book and add something so much so count me in please.
    Greetings from Hamburg where the trees are just barely getting green leaves :-)

  22. What a great idea - Pass the Book. I'm happy to find your blog. You are so creative. Love your artwork! Jamie V in MT

  23. My eyes kept widening as I looked through your much originality and be such an accomplished artist is a true blessing..Don't stop!!

  24. Nice to discover your blog today, via Carolyn at Love Stitching Red. Pass the Book intrigues me - a lovely idea - please count me in.

  25. Hi Cathy,
    I enjoyed my visit to your blog again today. All very beautiful and of course interesting, as ever!
    I remembered to watch some of the Mastercraft episodes. I've had a bash at wrought iron and at lead came stained glass in evening classes so they were good to watch though for me the most interesting one I saw was the greenwood one - something I previously knew nothing about.

  26. Hello Cathy! What a lot of comments here already! Well, I'd love to go into the hat for the book giveaway - that's a really good idea! This week I'm enjoying lots of different bits and pieces. Your photos, as always and your tree planting ladies - they must make a lovely collection together!

    I really like Rebecca Vincent's patchwork effect fields and of course always enjoy looking at James Lynch's work. A visit to his website reminded me of my beloved West Country! Beautiful!

  27. Hello - I've come over too from Love Stitching Red. Are you a kiwi per chance? Or an ex-pat I should say, since you live in the UK. I'm an NZ'er. Love all these references to birds - all the art is fabulous. I have one of Annie's prints - a fantail. It's only a greeting card but I cherish it. Count me in for this pass the book challenge - it sounds fantastic!!

  28. Hahaha - I'm joining the queue from Carolyn's blog and so glad I did. I shall have hours of fun going through your archives!

  29. Hi Tally, thanks for visiting. I will put your name in the draw. It sounds like our spring is a bit ahead of yours.

  30. Thanks Jamie, I am pleased you like my blog posts. I love finding new (to me) talented artists and craftspeople.

  31. Hi Lyn, thanks very much for your lovely comment but don't forget only a very small part of each post is actually my work. I would hate to take credit for all the work of the other amazing people I post about.

  32. Will do Morna. I think it is a great idea too but feel a bit embarrassed for keeping it so

  33. You clever old thing Anne. Fancy trying your hand at wrought iron and lead came stained glass work. Everything seemed very tricky to me watching from the sidelines.

  34. Hi Caroline. You must miss the West Country very much but what a nice way to remind yourself of its beauties. I would love to live there myself. I think James Lynch's colours are quite fabulous and I would love to see them in real life. I was also very pleased to happen upon Rebecca's work. She produces gorgeous etchings.

  35. Hello Debrina. Nice to see you here all the way from NZ. No I am English through and through but love lots of Antipodean art and craft. Annie's work is superbly designed and so detailed. I would love to get one of her prints.

  36. Hello Chrissie. I hope you have fun in the archives. I have been posting about the fantastic art and crafts I find on the Internet for two years now so there is lots to see.

  37. I came here from Love Stitching Red and I am glad that I found you .
    Beautiful things to see on your blog !
    Love from the Netherlands RINI
    ( My English is very bad , I know)

  38. Hi Cathy,
    I absolutely adore your latest installment in the Woman Who Planted Trees series. I like the whole series ever so much and will be sad when it ends!

    I am enjoying browsing through all of the talented artists that you have introduced me to this week as well... and please enter me into the "pass the book" giveaway. :)


  39. The idea of 'pass the book' is such a great idea and would love to be within a chance of receiving it....wonderful blog x

  40. Hi Catharina. Very nice of you to visit and I am glad you like what I have posted.

  41. Hi Stephanie. I am really enjoying The Woman Who Planted Trees series and will be sorry to see it end but I don't think I dare go beyond 10...haha.

  42. Thanks Jensters. I will put your name in the draw.

  43. Delightful, as always. Have I mentioned what a joy it is to peruse your posts? Lol! Yes, I repeat myself. Happily.

  44. only just found you thanks to carolyn - what agreat post - I loved the series especially the stained glass one - can i join the draw?

  45. Here from Love Stitching Red too. I am taken with your birds - birds and feathers keep popping up in the work I am thinking about.

  46. Hi Cathy,
    So glad I found your interesting blog via Love Stitching Red.I think your artwork is amazing and enjoyed your photos too. The photos of the green lane and the lovely blossom are lovely. Nice to see some colour in the countryside at last.

  47. That sort of repeating I like to hear all the time Melissa...haha.

  48. Hi JP, I am glad to many people saw the series. It was brilliant and I wish they would do more like that. I don't think art and craft are covered enough on the TV. I will put your name in the draw.

  49. Hi Lee. Nice of you to visit. I am totally obsessed with all things birdy and a huge proportion of my art has trees and birds in it. Glad to know there are others like

  50. Hi Fibrefrolics. I agree, the countryside is delicious at the moment. So fresh and bright and renewed. I could live forever in spring and autumn. So much inspiration from nature that it is difficult to know what to draw.

  51. Lovely post as ever. The Siamese cat has just arrived, it was hiding under my doormat in fact (so glad the postie did that instead of taking it back to the depot!!). What a lovely picture and thanks so much for including all the cards as well, a wonderful parcel, thanks!

  52. Hi Cathy

    Lovely post and art. Enjoyed looking at all the gorgeous art work you have posted

    I got your yummy goody parcel. Beautiful cat drawing and loved your cards.

    Thank you so much
    Amanda xxx

  53. Another feast for the eyes. The multi colored leaves on your tree add just the perfect touch.
    Looks like you have lots of beautiful spring blooms. Ours have all started to fade.
    Puffins are one of my favorite birds. I enjoyed looking at the ceramic plate with the Puffin.

  54. Hi Juliet. So glad the package reached you safely. Our postman would have taken it back to the depot as we don't have anywhere to hide things at our front door. Clever you for knowing it was there too.

  55. Hi Amanda. I have just left a comment for you saying I had posted it. You beat me to it. The postal service is looking

  56. Thanks Phyllis. I love puffins too. I think they are gorgeous comical birds and Maureen has captured their essence so well. I covet her ceramics. Our blossoms are starting to go over now but the late flowering cherry and the bluebells are just emerging. Stay tuned for some gorgeous bluebell pictures.

  57. Hi Cathy,
    Me again. Just to let you know I received your lovely package of gorgeous goodies! I've mentioned it in my last post. Thank you again for such a kind and lovely giveaway,
    Anne x

  58. Gorgeous post as ever! I'm lucky enough to own a Margot Selby scarf and funnily enough was at a gallery this afternoon where I was admiring some of her other goodies. Very talented - as are you and all these lovely other artists - thank you for the introductions!-

  59. Hi Anne, very glad you received them ok. I always worry about the post these days.

  60. Thanks Wend. Luckily old you owning a Margot Selby scarf. Her work is gorgeous.

  61. Always a real treat to visit here. Truly beautiful collections. And I *love* your woman and tree drawing. : )

  62. Thanks very much Nicola. I wasn't too sure about that one when I first drew her but she is "growing" on

  63. This section is closed for the "pass the book" giveaway as I am going to draw the winner now.
