Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blog Anniversary Giveaway Winners

Although I have drawn the winners of my blog anniversary giveaway below, I will be having another one next week for the "pass the book" giveaway. The book is Miss Read and is a lovely "read" and I will be passing it on to someone else along with some of my goodies. I will explain more about it next week.

Only had time for one piece of artwork this week. This is called The Daisy Chain

The 2nd blog anniversary draw was drawn tonight and these were the entrants. I decided to have six winners instead of four.

and here are the six blog giveaway winners

If you cannot read them due to my terrible photo, they are:

Silverpebble (Emma)
Anonymous (Deb)

Artpropelled (Robyn)
Crafty Green Poet (Juliet)

Nature's Cat (Amanda)
Andamento (Anne)

So if you would like to let me know your addresses and preferences ladies I will post the items off to you asap.

This lovely hare engraving by Kathleen Lindsley is very seasonal. You can find her website here with lots more gorgeous artwork. Such detailed work in such a small format is amazing. Kathleen lives and works from a studio on the Isle of Skye.

March Hare

I have been doing quite a lot of walking recently because our weather has improved a lot lately. Lots of photo opportunities with beautiful blossoms and flowers everywhere.

I had some fun with my photo of forgetmenots in Photoshop Filters the other day. You will need to click on the pictures to enlarge them and see the results better. Below is the original picture...

this one is crystallised

this one drybrushed

and this is pointillised. Lovely effects aren't they?

I have long been an admirer of UK jeweller Lyn Antley's work. I have seen her many times at craft fairs and have often had to wait a while to even reach her stall because there are so many people fascinated by her lovely jewellery. She is very inspired by myths and magic, fairy tales and animals, and distant lands. Her hares and foxes are my favourites but she produces a huge range of different work. Some of her rings have secret messages written inside. Unfortunately her website is down for the moment due to maintenance but if you go here you can check it out when it is back in working mode. You can also see three pages of her jewellery here at Iapetus.

Dancing Hare



Fernando Oliveri is an outstanding Oxacan artist who produces amazing paintings and prints. The first two below are drypoint etchings and the bottom two are woodcuts. Has paintings are beautifully naive and dramatic, often of angels. You can see lots of his work on the Indigoarts Gallery website here, here , here, here and here. Lots to view as you can see.

Mar de la Esperanza


Para Mi Corazon Basta Tu Pecho

These three beautiful paintings are by Scottish artist Joe Smernicki. Joe has worked as an art teacher while pursuing his own painting. His inspiration comes from the environment around his home in Scotland. His style is fascinating - stylised and beautifully colourful, and his compositions are very balanced. I never fail to be impressed by the talent of Scottish artists, especially with the colours they use. You can find Joe's website here, but if you enter his name in a search engine you can find lots of galleries which stock his work.

Free Range

High Summer

Road End


  1. Hi Cathy, thank you so much! I'm delighted to win a Siamese Cat print.

    Lyn Antley's jewellery is charming! I love The Daisy Chain with the black birds watching curiously from the tree.

  2. Well, congratulations to all of your lucky winners.
    Thank you Cathy, for another wonderful post and I do like Joe Smernicki's style.

  3. Me again. I forgot to say how much I like your The Daisy Chain piece.

  4. oh I'm so excited to have won - I'll email you my details this afternoon! Thanks so much!

    Lovely post as ever too, your daisy chain girl is beautiful and I love those paintings by Joe Smernicki, he uses light and shade beautifully

  5. I hope you like what I send Anne.

  6. Hi Robyn. I am glad you like my Siamese cat drawing. I will put one in the post to you.

  7. Hi Dolores. I love Joe Smernicki's work too.

  8. Hi Juliet. The daisy chain drawing took a long time to do. It looks better as the print rather than on the computer. I will send your print to you as soon as I get everything sorted out.

  9. Oh gosh! How did I miss this giveaway! Prints look fantastic - really love the fox! Congratulations to all the winners! G

  10. Congratulations to all the winners!

    I love the flower photos and the hares.

  11. Hi Melissa. The hares are cute aren't they? Lots more flowers to come soon now that we are getting into spring.

  12. Мне все понравилось!!! Thank you!!))

  13. wow thank you so much Cathy. (-: My preference is still the cat.I have emailed you

    Thank you again for a lovely prize, I will treasure it

    Yours sincerely

  14. Many congrats to the winners! (Can't believe I missed yet another of your giveaways!!!) Wonderful blossom pics - those filters are fun! I really like Joe Smernicki's paintings - the light and colours are fab - thanks for introducing him! Hope you have a good week Cathy.

  15. Hi Caroline. I am really pleased with how the forgetmenot picture turned out. Joe Smernicki's artwork is gorgeous isn't it? I have never seen that style before but it is very beautiful.

  16. love her hair in the daisy chain!!

  17. Thanks Artist. They were fun to draw.
