Sunday, April 25, 2010


This is my latest offering - The Hen Collector


At long last I have the winner of the lovely Miss Read "Pass The Book" giveaway. I have been very naughty and kept the book far too long but it is now ready for the next stage of its journey along with a few of my goodies. I had such a lovely response to the giveaway (thanks to Carolyn of Love Stitching Red) that I decided to have six runners up as well and they will each receive a print of one of my drawings. Sorry it has taken so long to post this but you would not believe the time it takes to photograph everything, put all the names into my little basket, visit websites to check names, do the links and then take out all the myriad of spaces that Blogger seems to think I need in my blog...I don't. Anyway enough excuses.

The winner of the book and the items below is....GINA of Fan My Flame. She will receive the goodies in the three pictures below.

The six runners up I have chosen will each receive a print which you can see below (4th picture down) They are:

Caroline of Caroline's Studio
Debrina of Debrina's Diary
Cathie of Clevelandgirlie
Chrissie of Niminyfingers
Stephanie of Primitive Folk Art - so addresses when you have a moment ladies

Gina has won a selection of my designs made into greetings cards

three mini prints of my woman who planted trees series and an original pen and ink and watercolour drawing

and lastly the book that started it all together with one of my photographic prints of a local bluebell wood which I took a few years ago and four handmade cards. The cards and envelopes are made from handmade paper (not by me) and I have woodblock stamped a design (again not mine) and have added some little birds (mine). The inclusions are tiny blue flowers, leaves and stems.


In the spirit of good blogship I decided to have six runners up and they will each receive one of the two designs below. I intended all the six prints to be identical but my printer disagreed and would only print the first three. Luckily I had another three prints of a different design so I will surprise you with which one you receive.

The hen lady is new but the other print is an older drawing which was originally a digitally coloured sketch. I liked it so much I decided to make it into a "proper" digital drawing.

I found this tiny ladybird in its little wooden home. So sweet and bright but quite a nip if you are not careful.

I first became aware of Danish artist and illustrator Lisa Graa Jensen when I bought a pack of her designs as Christmas cards. I was definitely won over to her gorgeous colours and wonderful design sense. She is one of my favourite artists. She is very well known and an Internet search will turn up lots of examples of her work but you can find a nice selection here at Alresford Gallery and, of course, Lisa's own site here.

Pigeons Over Surrey Hills

Winter Woolies, Surrey Hills

More Than Just Friends

I popped round to my brother and Lesley's house the other day and, as usual, Poppy obliged on the photographic front. The other cats were rather more challenging to photograph. She looks almost vertical in the second photo but she didn't fall in the pond, although when they were kittens they had a couple of duckings. I bet that water tasted rank.

Sarah Noel is a ceramic artist who lives and works in Wales. Sarah's work has a fascinating quality whereby her figures are ancient looking but contemporary both at the same time. Her inspirations come from medieval carvings and European and American folk art. Her figures and families in boats are intriguing. You can see lots of her work at The John Noott Galleries here and here.

Eve I

Woman With Whistle

I have always been totally fascinated by rooks and I spent ages the other day watching a local rookery and taking masses of photos. Unfortunately the light was failing but I think it probably adds to the atmosphere. The noise was indescribable.

When I was browsing the excellent Nantais Gallery the other week I came across a wonderful artist and printmaker called Hanne Grete Einarsen. She produces paintings and woodcuts and you can see some of her woodcuts below. They have a lovely graphic and almost naive quality about them. I guessed from her name and subject matter that she is Scandinavian but I cannot find out anything else about her on the Internet. Most of the sites with her name linked are Norwegian so I would guess she is too. You can see some more of her work here at the gallery.

Fox I

Fox II

Reindeer I

Fish I

Dorothy Pavey is an English artist with an incredibly light and fresh touch with watercolour. She creates the most beautiful paintings of the English countryside and gardens and flowers. Dorothy lives in the Cotswolds which is one of the loveliest of our counties and spends time out with her camera recording what she sees on her walks, although she also visits South Africa and other counties of England. You can see more of her paintings on her website here.

Bluebell Wood

Poppies And Daisies

Garden Gate And Bench


  1. Congratulations to the winner and the runners up, what beautiful cards you are all going to receive. I am very fond of the work by Lisa Graa Jenson, always good to see her work, I'm off to look at more of Sarah Noel's work now.

  2. Congratulations to all who have won - I think you've been very generous and I'm sure they will all love their gifts. i love the prints and also Lisa Graa Jensen's work - my kinda stuff; thanks once more Cathy.

  3. Hi Cathy, what a lovely giveaway! There are going to be some very happy recipients of your generous gifts!

    As always I have thoroughly enjoyed the art and photography showcased. The marvellous woodcuts really appeal to me, they're very powerful! Bye for now, Lesley

  4. Hi Cathy,
    I am so excited to have won one of your prints!! Thank you so much, it was very generous of you to pick six runners up. All of your prizes are just beautiful.

    I am especially liking the woodcuts from Hanne Grete Einarsen that you have shared with us as well. Your photo of the tree with all of the rook nests in it is fascinating to me. I have never seen that many nests in a single tree before! Poppy is also quite the cutie.


  5. I'm thrilled to be a runner-up - how generous of you! Thanks so much.

  6. Congratulations to Gina!

    Cathy, again a beautiful post. I love the "Hen Collector," as well as so many of the others you've included. Thanks, again for a lovely treat.

  7. Well hooray! I feel very blessed to be receiving your prints! Lucky, lucky me!
    Oh, my blog email addy is: - it's just onm the top right hand sideof the side panel.
    Thank you once again,Cathy!

  8. Cathy, I was very excited to receive your message that I'd won one of your fabulous prints!!! Thank you so much - I can't wait to see which one comes in the post - I love them both! Congrats to Gina - what an incredibly generous giveaway - so many wonderful goodies I'm sure she'll be thrilled!
    Lovely post as ever - my favourites this week are your ladybird and Lisa Jensen's Winter Woolies! Hope you enjoy a restful week after all this activity!!

  9. All of your art is outstanding! Lucky all those who won!
    I will follow your blog from now on on a regular basis.

  10. Fabulous prizes Cathy. Congratulations to all the very lucky winners and especially Gina ... so deserving!


  11. Congratulations to all the lucky winners! Wow - gorgeous goodies! G

  12. What a fabulously generous collection of goodies you are sending with the book. I am overwhelmed! (and very excited) Thank you.

  13. Thanks Lesley. I love those woodcuts too. They remind me of Scandinavian mythology.

  14. Thanks Stephanie. It is quite common to see largish rookeries in the UK. I love to watch them flying and squabbling and making a racket. I have kept my eye on this one for several years and they always return to it.

  15. You are very welcome Chrissie.

  16. Hi Melissa. I enjoyed doing the hen collector drawing - very quirky but I like the idea.

  17. Sorry Debrina. I didn't look very well did

  18. Hi Caroline. That Lisa Graa Jensen winter woolies is one of my favourite paintings ever. I love it to bits.

  19. Thanks very much Lynn. I hope you continue to enjoy what I find in the art and craft world.

  20. Thanks very much Gillian. Now I will have to get everything in the post.

  21. You are very welcome Gina. I hope you like everything. The book is a lovely read.

  22. Hi Joy, Blogger sneaked you in at the top and I didn't see you. Sorry about that. Enjoy your visit to Sarah Noel. She has produced beautiful things.

  23. congrats to all the winners, Cathy you have been so generous. Where do you find such gorgeous art work. lovely post. I love your art work, you are becoming one of my favourite artists. Your greeting cards are gorgeous, there is something very natural and spiritual about your work, think that's why I like it so much

  24. Hi Amanda. There is so much on the Internet and so many wonderfully talented people out there who deserve a wider audience although some are quite well known already. Just doing my bit to spread the Glad you like the cards. I enjoy making them although they do take a bit of time.

  25. Cathy you are so generous! Gorgeous art as usual.

  26. Thanks Robyn. Glad you are enjoying it.

  27. Thank you for introducing the work of Lisa Graa Jensen. Its beautiful. I wish I'd read the giveaway post. I haven't been a very attentive blog reader lately.

  28. love the hat on your hen carrying lady!

  29. Congratulations to all winners and runners up!

    What a lot of lovely things in this post, i love your photos - the ladybird in its grotto is adorable as is Poppy. The rook photos are so atmospheric.

    Then all those paintings too!

  30. I know what you mean Jackie. Sometimes it is impossible to fit blog reading into our everyday lives. Nice of you to visit now though.

  31. Thanks Artist. A little whim and

  32. Thanks Juliet. Rooks are my passion. I could have stayed and photographed them for the whole day. Pity I couldn't get closer shots though. A tall ladder would have been

  33. Thank you for writing so nice about my woodcuts(Hanne Grete Einarsen)
    I am a norwgian and sami artist living in the very north of Norway. A small sami village by the coast called Snefjord in Måsøy, Finnmark.
    I have a web site and you can visit:
