Saturday, April 3, 2010

Second Anniversary Giveaway

I have only had time to produce one image for this post. This is an ink and watercolour painting of an Easter Bird. Why Easter Bird - no idea, but it is Easter and it is a bird. We are having a bit of a wild and woolly Easter actually but buds are breaking through on the trees and hedges and the daffs and tulips are gorgeous so no complaints from me.

Its giveaway time at long last. I said I was going to have a giveaway for my 100th post which was last year but I forgot all about it, so I have saved that giveaway and added it to my 2nd anniversary of blogging giveaway. My first post was April 14 2008 and the first person to comment back then who is still commenting today is Stephanie of Primitive Folk Art who creates beautiful primitive dolls and ornaments. Thanks for your support Stephanie. Also a huge thanks to everyone who pops in to see what I have found in the wonderful world of art and craft each week.

When I started blogging two years ago I didn't think I would still be blogging today - but here I am. Anyway, back to the giveaway - I will choose four people randomly who leave a comment on THIS post and they can pick whichever one of the three pointillism prints below that they fancy. These are drawings I did many years ago and had professionally printed for some exhibitions. Although it doesn't show they are signed and titled on the print. I will also include with each print a selection of my handmade greetings cards. I will draw the names on Sunday 11 April in time for my next blog post.

Watching Fox

Siamese Cat


The lovely paintings below are by Scottish artist Ingebjorg Smith. Ingebjorg originally worked as an illustrator, lecturer and theatre designer but since moving to Tain in the Scottish Highlands she has concentrated on her mixed media collage paintings. Her work particularly involves animals, birds and nature scenes and, to me, it has a magical charm. You can find her work in many places on the Internet but two places are here at the Kilmorack Gallery and here at Nantais Gallery, and of course her own website here.

Winter Songthrush

Winter Woodcock

I have been out and about with my camera a bit more since spring has sprung. Here are two images from the old year

and two images from the new

I found a rather nice looking nest box in a huge tree on one of my forays the other day. When you notice one, you start noticing that there are lots of them around. I wonder if anyone has taken up residence.

Starling Silhouette

Crow Silhouette

I found a lovely children's book at a charity shop a few weeks ago. It is called The Gift Of The Magi by O Henry and is illustrated by Austrian artist Lisbeth Zwerger. It is a lovely story about a couple who have to sell things very precious to them in order to buy each other Christmas gifts. I hadn't come across Lisbeth Zwerger before but she is a very popular award wining artist who has illustrated lots of childrens' stories in her lovely, delicate watercolour style.

You may recognise the image of Dot below, by American ceramicist Kelly Connole as being on the front cover of the wonderful Lark resource "500 Animals In Clay". Kelly is a very gifted ceramicist who produces the most deliciously quirky and loveable hares and rabbits and crows and other animals. She admits to having a deep connection to the earth, animals and nature in general and to being inspired by them. I certainly find her work very inspirational. You can find lots more lovely ceramics here on her website.


Savouring A Pear Flavoured Cup

Ida And Ivy

George Underwood painted the three incredible images below. In the past he has worked in the music industry and as an illustrator. He has produced lots of album covers for musicians, book covers, portraits etc. In fact the fascinating welcome page painting on his website shows his latest album cover. His work is described as fantasy realism. I think his figures are very mysterious and exquisitely painted. You can see lots more of his work on his website here. I particularly love his attention to headwear.

Be somebody




  1. Thanks so much for this giveaway, I really would love to have one of your prints,
    Thanks also for your weekly posts, each one of them is wonderful, I love to visit the artists you have in your blog.

  2. Oh Cathy, another wonderful post. Thank you for continuing to enrich our lives with great art both yours and the other artists' work you feature. It is always a treat to pop in.
    I love all three of the three pointillism prints and really couldn't choose just one but there is something a bit extra about that fox.

  3. love the colours on the background of your little easter bird!!

  4. Hi Ale, many thanks for visiting and commenting. I love your watercolours.

  5. Thanks Dolores. I will put you in the "hat".

  6. Thank you Artist. I had to white out the tree branches in order to watercolour the background. Very time consuming to scratch it all off again but it was worth it.

  7. You have no idea how I look forward to your blog, not just your own work but the lovely work of other people who are new to me.
    I would love to be in your give away, dont usually win anything but have to be in to have a chance,
    Thank you

  8. Hello there - I don't always comment but I enjoy every one of your posts - you're educating me on contemporary artists and, of course, your own work which I enjoy enormously. I do love the plumage on your Easter bird. Many congratulations on two years' of blogging.

  9. Hi Penny. I am very pleased to hear that you enjoy my blog. I am always amazed at the talent in the art and craft world and love finding new people to post about.

  10. Thanks very much Silverpebble. I got the idea for Easter Bird from a book jacket I saw some time ago. Glad you like the blog. The two years of blogging has flown by.

  11. Hi Cathy

    As usual I really enjoyed your post. Always a visual treat for the eyes. You have also introduced me to a couple of artists that are now becoming favourites of mine. The artist in this post -Ingebjorg Smith produces some stunning work.

    Thank you very much for your lovely give-away, that's very generous, beautiful drawings, I find it difficult to choose a favourite - think it would have to be the cat as I adore art wok based around cats

  12. The artists work you showcase resounds with the whimsical in my heart, its always a pleasure to see what is being created by varied artists. Keep up the great work, as I know it takes a lot of work and commitment to produce a blog such as yours. Thank you. Hugs from across the sea, Teresa

  13. Congratulations on two wonderfully inspiring years.

  14. Happy 2nd Birthday!
    Another great post, I always learn something new from your blog. I liked the two pictures by Ingebjorg Smith that you posted, though when I followed one of the links I was surprised by how similar some of her pictures are to each other. Loved the blossom photos, I've not noticed any blossom here just yet. I also like the crow silhouette - he's an a fantastic spiky tree.
    I'd love to enter your give-away, it's a difficult choice but I think the sheep is my favourite.

  15. Hi Cathy, how are you? Feels like I haven't visited for ages.

    Love Ingebjorg's work, it's stunning.

    As to your giveaway, count me in - all three are lovely artworks, although the fox with oak leaves is my particular favourite.

    Congratulations on two years of blogging. Best wishes, Lesley

  16. As always, I just love it when you put up a new post! So many wonderful things to see! Warm congratulations on your blogging anniversary!!

  17. Same here Amanda. Anything with cats on gets my vote. I am planning on drawing another cat I took a photo of a while back too.

  18. Thanks Teresa. It does take a while to find the artists but I have a picture file where I put new discoveries until I am ready for posting. It is quite full at the moment thank goodness.

  19. Hi Anne. You must be quite a bit behind us spring-wise. You have had some very bad weather up there recently too. They have told us 17C today but it feels more like 9C.

  20. Thanks very much Pamela. I don't know where those two years have gone though.

  21. Hi Lesley. Thanks very much. My 2nd year blog anniversary has come around very quickly.

  22. oh another wonderful post, i love your Easter bird and your monochrome animals are wonderful too. I also love Kelly Connole's ceramic rabbits and Ingjeborg Smith's birds. Oh and your bird silhouettes too... Thanks for the giveaway...

  23. Cathy ....YOUR art is amazing and you always find other amazing artists !!!
    I love your Siamese cat .... love them all but I love your Siamese cat

  24. Happy 2nd Anniversary! Another beautiful post, as usual. I love your Easter Bird.

    Keep up the beautiful work and thanks for all the delightful visual treats you provide.

  25. Thanks Juliet. I had fun with this week's post.

  26. You are like me Sandy, a cat person, although I love all animals really.

  27. Hi Melissa. Just off to find some new artists for this weekend's post.

  28. The Pink Goose intrigued me . so had to pop over, loved what I saw and would love to go in the draw.

  29. Congratulations, and thank you for two years of fascinating posts. I would love to enter your give-away and I have to go for the fabulous fox! We had one here recently drinking out of our bird bath! I was even able to take some photos.

  30. I have no right to enter the draw since I won a beautiful print in another of your lucky draws.... but I love the Siamese Cat :-)

  31. Hello Margaret. Nice of you to visit. I hope you have enjoyed the blog.

  32. How lovely Deb. There are lots in gardens these days I think.

  33. Hi Robyn. I loved drawing that Siamese cat. Glad you like it. I will certainly still put you in the draw.

  34. Hi Cathy! I'm still here, I'm still here! :) I'm kicking myself for missing this post (thank you so much for the mention!) - I fell way behind on my work, blogging, and blog visits while my mother-in-law was staying with us for a couple weeks earlier this month. So, a belated congrats on your two-year blogiversary!


  35. Hi Stephanie. Sorry to hear you are so behind with everything. I am in much the same boat myself...haha. Sometimes real life has to intervene and the bloggy things have to be put away for a while. I meant to do a giveaway for my 100th post a few months ago but didn't get around to it. Now I am behind with posting off the prizes from last week's giveaway...oh dear!
