Friday, April 24, 2009

Blog Anniversary Giveaway Winners

The winners of my first anniversary blog giveaway are Pamela of From The House of Edward blog, Dolores from True Blue Canadian blog and Robyn from Art Propelled. If you could let me know your mail addresses ladies I will send the prints asap.

This is a digital piece entitled "The Place of Dancing". It was from the title of a song I heard a while back and liked.
I must say a big thank you to Caroline for this great blog award I received a little while ago. Pop over and have a peek at her lovely blog at Caroline's Studio and say hello. I have a very healthy clutch of awards now from some great bloggers.
I had a nice little sea poem to post with this pen and ink drawing but in the end it wasn't applicable. It mentioned ships and my little boat is anything but. This is called "Safe Harbour".
This is a pen and ink drawing with digital colouring. Originally I was going to keep it all black and white but a tiny bit of colour crept in - like it does.
The cherry blossom is in full bloom locally and looks fabulous. So pretty when the sun is shining on it which it has a lot lately. I think summer has come early. I noticed today that another favourite of mine, the lilac, is out. Such a plentitude of flowers in spring.

Four lovely linocut prints by Robert Taverner who died in 2004 after 50 years as a printmaker. There is a lovely collection of his prints here.

Pollarded Trees and Houses
Pony and Paddock
Cottages and Reeds
Flint Barn
I really like these beautiful, contemporary sculptures by Australian, Sally Curry. So simple with lovely textures. Sally handbuilds her figures using earthenware terracotta. You can find a lovely display of her work at The Handmark Gallery.
One World
Gift From Crete
I have just discovered another treat from Mark Hearld. This is called St. Paul's Pigeons and is a collage. Love the bright colours. Pigeons are such common and humble birds but some artists have the ability to make them appear special, and Mark Hearld is one of them.
These little sculptures are delightful. I love the colour combination of the turquoise and yellow animal. They are by Allen and Mary Dee Dodge and they produce lots of interesting sculptures and figurines which can found on their website here.

The lovely images below were created by Suffok painter and printmaker Penny Bhadresa. She uses mainly linocut techniques but also collage, mixed media, acrylic and watercolour. Her subject matter reflects her love of nature, landscape and architecture. Her style is bold, colourful and graphic and she imbues her work with lots of shapes, texture and patterns. I love stylised art and I find her work very compelling. The hares particularly seem to have a sense of myth about them. She is a very successful artist and can be found in many galleries, among them St. Judes Gallery and Cambridgegallery. Penny's own website can be found here. The two acrylic paintings were from an article about Penny in "The Artist" magazine in 2004.

Harvest Hares

When The Boat Comes In
The Wild One
The Boxers
Guinea Fowl (Acrylic)
Snow Sprinter
Apples and Pears
Snow Fowl
Black Hens (Acrylic)

I decided to visit our local car boot sale as it was a lovely spring morning. I have watched as this boot sale has grown over the years from just a few stalls to a whole field full and it is now one of the most popular ones in the area. This sale is very organised as all the stalls are in neat rows which make it easy to know where you have been. Occasionally you can come across an absolute gem for next to nothing but most of the stuff is, frankly, tat. There seems to be a huge market for other peoples' tat. It makes me smile to see what dreadful things people have given house room to. I wish I could have taken some photos for you but I thought that might be frowned upon. A couple of classics were the dachshund crudely made of straw with bits of string tied at strategic points to stop the animal falling apart, and the huge pink metal flamingo with a light attached to the body like a huge, walking lamp. Just a couple of items that should have been consigned to the rubbish tip many moons ago. Did I buy anything?...well yes I did. Three brand new little glasses for 60p (ours keep getting broken) and a DVD of Pan's Labyrinth for £2. It is a wonderfully bizarre, creepy film with very dark undertones. Definitely not your average fairy tale. I am very satisfied with my purchases today.


  1. I am quite tickled!! I shall be watching my mailbox with happy anticipation!! Thank you!!

  2. Hi Cathy! Another post full of delights. Congrats to the winners of your lovely print - am envious!! Glad you like the little award - it certainly goes to a very worthy blogger!! I love your little birdies and those cherry blossom photos are a treat. I do miss the changing of the seasons! Now, as for the rest - all wonderfully inspiring, but I especially love the work of Penny Bhadresa - what a superb artist - I'm off to check out her website right now! Hope you have a good week.


  3. Thanks Caroline. The changing seasons are one of the nicest things about the English countryside I think. I really look forward to them and for new photo opportunities too. Penny Bhadresa is a wonderful artist. So much imagination.

  4. Thanks for flying by my blog Pink Goose, I hope you fly back often. You have some lovely work here.

  5. Thanks acornmoon - so do you.

  6. A lovely post again, and this time I was delighted to see work by my former tutor Robert Tavener. He was such a lovely man, a real gentleman, we students didn't really appreciate what a gem we had for a tutor. Thank you for the link. Joy

  7. Hi Joy

    How lovely to have Robert Taverner as a tutor. His work is so wonderful and I have been a fan for a long time. It is good to know that he was a nice person as well.

  8. Cathy all the photos you've posted are gorgeous. I love the prints and the sculptures.

  9. Congrats to the winners!
    I am really enchanted by the Pony and Paddock linocut print this week. Love both of your bird-themed drawings this week too.


  10. Hi Cathy - So much here to look at, I am sitting here with my morning coffee enjoying it all. Penny Bhadresa - I love her rabbits and her style, very unique.

    I like the colors you chose for "The Place of Dancing", the pink just pops.

  11. Thanks Stephanie. I love that pony and paddock linocut too. I love the way he has done the trees and grass.

  12. Thanks Holly. Glad you like this week's images. Penny Bhadresa is wonderful. I hope she produces some new work soon.

  13. What a treat...thanks so much Cathy!
    Love "Safe Harbour" and enjoyed the trip to the car boot sale....such a pity you didn't take photos. Glorious artwork throughout the usual!

  14. Yes, I should have sneaked a few photos with my mobile phone Robyn.
