Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pretty Flowers and Ritchie Collins

This is an ink and digital design which I have called "Fruitful". I have just noticed that my artwork is delicate and flowery this week. Quite spring like in fact.
Anyone who follows my blog will remember this lovely deer from around Christmas time when I used it for a Christmas card. It is a copyright free art deco design from one of my books. The stylised tree is my own design though.
I love fritillaries. This is a totally stylised one of course but I think it looks nice.
This is a beautiful bag which I saw on Etsy a while ago. It is hand knitted and felted and is in such beautiful shades of lilac and green. It is sold now alas....! It is by sassafrasstudio and she has lots more covetable bags in her shop.

If you are fond of a sweet, sentimental but rousing melody you will love the song sung by Hayley Westenra and Jonathan Ansell at the 2008 Festival of Remembrance on youtube. I have played it so often that I have almost worn it out on youtube...ha ha. You can find it here.

If you like hares and textiles you will love these gorgeous silk paintings by Rachel Sumner. I have followed the work of Rachel and her sister Mary for many years. Their lovely images can be found on ties, posters, greetings cards and wrap. These hares have a wonderfully illustrative and detailed look to them. I have wrapped up many a birthday present in Sumner gift wrap over the years. Rachel also produces embroideries and drfitwood boats. Visit her website here for some more images of her work.

I love these quirky ceramic characters from Sarah McDade from her stoneware range. She has lots more on her website here.

The detail and colour of this beautiful collograph is wonderful. It is by Australian printmaker Melissa Smith and is called Channel. It has an lovely organic quality to it.
Found some more Mocchi Mocchi cards I haven't seen before. I really like their style especially the trees and birds card just below. Their website is here but they seem to have a lot more cards than are shown on the site.

Lots and lots of lovely bluebells around at the moment. The woods are full of them and the subtle fragrance is heavenly. These are local views.

This is a photoshopped version of a bluebell wood in the picture below, hence the intensity of the colours.

A local lane at springtime.

My featured artist this week is a very popular Scottish painter called Ritchie Collins. Ritchie is inspired by the beautiful Scottish countryside, Celtic art, myths and folklore. All these influences can be seen in his beautifully textural and vibrant work. I think my favourite has to be "Where Angels Meet". I love images of angels. His art is a response to places he has visited and dreams he has had. I envy him his He has a comprehensive website here. Ritchie's work can also be found at Ealain Gallery here and also Just Art Gallery here.

Where Angels Meet
Temple Night
Lobster Pot
Moon Blues
Moon Temple
Temple Cat
Boat Hoose
The Dreamer
Fisherman's House
Tea N Oranges
Love Hill
I visited a local town today and was very pleased to find that a book fair was taking place there. It was actually in the Elizabethan Court House which is an ancient building next to the church which I have long wanted to have a look inside. A heaven sent opportunity. They had some very interesting old and new books and the majority at quite reasonable prices. I treated my self to a book on poultry with lots of lovely paintings, drawings and diagrams of hens and cockerels. Very inspiring for someone who loves drawing same. The other book I bought was called Traditional Arts and Crafts of Yugoslavia which will also be a mine of inspiration for my artwork. The trouble is that every time I buy new (or old) books I have to get rid of some books already in my possession to make room. Oh to have a huge library, or alternatively, a huge house with a library. Either will do nicely.


  1. Cathy, once again a post that is a feast for the eyes. But this time there was a great treat for the ears as well. Thank you for the youtube link. A couple of wonderful, young performers. If you can now send over the fragrant floral scents, you will have outdone yourself. Thank you.

  2. Cathy,
    I love your beautiful and colorful tree. Once again it's just like visiting a museum when visiting your blog. Thank you so much for the youtube link. I have not heard of Haley Westenra over here in the states. She has a beautiful voice. I can see why you like to visit that link. I'm going to see if I can find it on playlist to add to my blog music. Also, while I was on youtube I found a video of Haley singing with Russell(be still my heart). I hope that his health has improved. We don't here much about him here in the states.

  3. I love Fritillaries - and your stylised piece is super, Cathy. I used to enjoy seeing the Sumner sisters' work in the Makers Gallery in Taunton - that first piece seems infused with essence of Somerset! Wow, those bluebell shots are stunning! I'm hooked on those MM cards and am tempted to order some from them. I like the simple designs, soft colours and the paper they use! Thanks for introducing Ritchie Collins too - what vibrant paintings.

  4. I wish I could Dolores as that would be very nice. Glad you like Hayley and Jonathan. There is another link to her singing with Andrea Bocelli on the previous post. She is a wonderful singer.

  5. Thanks Phyllis. I have just mentioned to Dolores that there is another link to a Hayley duet on the previous post that you may like to listen to. I have heard her singing with Russell too; in fact I think she was on his show on one of the youtube videos. I have heard recently that he is moving more toward popular songs and away from classical opera type songs. I think it may be to do with the problems he had with his throat.

  6. Hi Caroline. Glad you like the images in this post. We are spoiled with bluebells in England. They are all over the place, but usually only last till the end of May. I wish it were longer.

    Ritchie Collins work is certainly amazing. Wonderful, vibrant colours and textures.

  7. Hi Cathy, I enjoyed Rachel Sumners work and would love to see the wrapping paper. Your Bluebell photos are lovely, would love to see them in person. Ritchie Collins - wonderful!! I am partial to the deer and tree drawing. The colorful blooms catch my eye.

  8. Hi Holly, I think I have used all my Sumner wrapping paper now but if I see any out and about I will get some and post a picture. Glad you like the deer and tree. I think that one turned out very well. Ritchie's work is beautiful and colourful. So many wonderful artists on the Internet to chose from. What on earth did we do before computers?

  9. Such lovely things you have here, it's hard to know where to begin!

  10. Thanks acornmoon. There is such a feast of art and craft on the Internet these days.

  11. I love your drawing .... the lady with the flowers , very nice !!!!

  12. You have a lovely sense of design, and a very pleasing sense of color, as well.

  13. It seems I always say the same thing, but I just love the beautiful artwork you post on your blog. I love your own work, but I really enjoy your sharing the work of other artists, too. Thanks so much.

  14. Thanks Sandy. Always nice to see you.

  15. Thanks for the compliment R. You have some very impressive work on your site and you have a good sense of humour too...very important.

  16. You are very welcome Melissa. Nice to see you here and glad you enjoy the images.

  17. I just have to list you in my favorites! You discover so many artists that resonate with me and I don't have enough time in one sitting to take them all in :)
    Please thank Caroline for sending you to my blog!

  18. That is very kind of you studio lolo. Glad you are able to find artists and craftspeople that you like.
