Friday, April 17, 2009

First Year Blog Anniversary Giveaway

I have now been blogging for a WHOLE YEAR....taa daa. Time for another giveaway to mark the occasion. If you want to enter a comment on this post I will draw three people out of the hat (or other receptacle) on Sunday and send each a copy of my print below.
These are the three prints that I will be giving away. Although this is a photograph of them, the colour on the computer is always brighter than in real life.
This is the actual digital image of my folk angel. This drawing has been waiting unfinished on my worktable for several months because I didn't know what else to do with it, but it does look well in colour.
Pen and ink oystercatchers with a hint of digital colour. I love oystercatchers. They are such pretty birds and lend themselves very well to artwork
A fishy tale in watercolour and ink
The images below are the artwork of illustrator and artist Stuart Kolakovic. I love his folk art style and his wonderful palettes. I was inspired to create my folk angel with a similar palette to his but mine is quite a bit brighter. These are very contemporary but also traditional. I love his work and you can find more on his website here. He also has an Etsy shop here.

These lovely papier mache creations are by Julianna Bollini who has pages full of them and other delightful creature on her Flickr site which you can see here. She also has a website called Barco de Papel which the Internet translates from Spanish as "ship of role". No idea what that means but it must be good. She has a lovely blog here if you speak Spanish, or you can just look at the great photos.

Nancy Nicholson is a English collage and embroidery artist and she produces some lovely work. These contemporary embroidered birds are stunning. Unfortunately there is very little about her on the Internet.

Cannot have spring without some sheep and lambs. I love the little black faced fellow in the second picture. He looks as if he should be the black faced mum's lamb but she already has two pristine white ones. I am sure he was reunited with his real mum though.

Aren't the spring flowers wonderful at the moment. Forget-me-nots don't look very much from a distance but if you get the camera lens really close, they are very special.

If anyone wants a real treat, listen to Andrea Bocelli and Hayley Westenra singing Viva Per Lei whilst two amazing skaters are performing on youtube. I love listening to youtube music when I am writing my blog.

These delightful ceramics are by Kazakhstan artist Natalya Sots. Natalya lives in Chicago now and has a shop on Etsy where I first saw her work. Her modelling, colours and sense of humour are such a treat. Her Etsy shop is here. She also has a website here and a Flickr site here with lots of pictures of her work. I love the cat with a bird on its head.

The images below are the artwork of Geoge Birrell. George is a Scot who trained in Glasgow and started painting full time in 1989. Much of his subject matter relates to the buildings and fishing villages of Scotland. His beautiful paintings are bold, graphic, well designed and very colourful. His work also seems to have a stylised and slightly naive quality about it which, in my opinion, is much nicer than a exact rendering of the subject. It is amazing how many exceptional artists come from Scotland. There are masses of sites on the Internet showing George's work but the following sites here and here and here give a good display.

Autumn Garden - this is definitely my favourite of his work. I love the explosion of gorgeous colours.

Chateau Ecossais 2
Blue Mill
Boats and Tarry Wall
Castle Saltire
Harbour Blues 2
Mill and Moon, Orkney
Net Profit

Five Boats
I cannot believe I have been blogging for a whole year this week. That time has simply disappeared I know not where. I must say I do enjoy it, although it takes up a lot of time and quite a bit of effort. I am always amazed when I read blogs which were started in 2005 or 2006. Those people must have great dedication to have carried on so long. Regarding mine, the pictures come easily, it is the words I have to search for.

I expect everyone in the whole world knows of Scot Susan Boyle by now. How to go from being unknown to becoming so famous in just one evening. What a mad, mad, world we live in. I think she deserves it though. She seems a really nice, down-to-earth person.


  1. Congratulations on your one year blogiversary! I'd love to be in with a chance to win one of your lovely "Folk Angel" prints. Really like your Oystercatchers and Geoge Birrell's Harbour Blues 2. I always post my photographs first and then write around them - much easier that way!

  2. Guess I missed the deadline, but I just wanted to let you know, I think your folk angel is beautiful:)

  3. Congratulations on your one year blogaversary! Please throw my name into the hat, love your work. Thanks for the chance.

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary. You do put alot into your blog and I always find a new artist to check out. Love the Oystercatchers - makes me think of summer.

    I have seen Natalya Sots work on Etsy - very unique. Cannot deside between the teacups or the cats.

  5. Hi Gillian. I love George Birrell's work. He has so many different images on the Internet too. Glad you like the oystercatchers. I have quite a few pictures of oystercatchers that I have done in the past. I never get tired of drawing birds.

  6. You haven't missed the deadline Christin as it runs till Sunday of the coming weekend. Glad you like the angel.

  7. Hi Theresa. Thanks for visiting. I will put you in the "pot".

  8. I love that black and white cat with a bird on its head Holly, but all her work is so bright and fun. I think I have another oystercatcher image tucked away in my head...ha ha.

  9. I really have no words to say to this post except, once again, a wonderful post. I just love your taste in art. Thank you for sharing. I love the colours in your folk angel too - and to think there may be a small chance at ownership. Pure heaven. Congratulations on your blogversary!

  10. Hi Cathy,
    Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog. Your pictures have been a feast for the eyes.
    I love your Folk Angel. I love Folk Art.
    Your sheep pictures are awesome.
    Wasn't Susan Boyle something else?
    When I heard her sing I got goose bumps.
    Have a good week.

  11. Hi Cathy,
    Happy Blogiversary! I am kicking myself for not seeing this post earlier. I was outside building raised garden beds all weekend (photos forthcoming!). Your folk angel is really lovely!

    I am a fan of Natalya Sots's Etsy shop too - love her teapots and teacups especially.


  12. Thanks Phyllis. Yes Susan was exceptional. I just hope she isn't changed by all the fame she will receive.

  13. Hi Stephanie

    Sounds like you were very busy over the weekend in the garden. Our weather is very much gardening weather too.

  14. Congratulations on your first year, I found your blog fairly recently love seeing the pictures of your work and all the others artists that you show. I too, find the photos easier than the words.

  15. Warm congratulations on your anniversary!! I do love my visits here. So many beautiful things to see.

    And yes, Susan Boyle deserves the prize!!

  16. Congratulations on a full year's blogging. I enjoy coming here and seeing your designs and learning about new artists. Love that oystercatcher piece. Are you putting that on a card?

  17. Thanks very much for your visit Joy. Have popped over to see your blog but I will be back for a proper look later.

  18. Thanks Pamela. I look forward to seeing Susan again to see what she sings next time.

  19. Hi Mellanie

    It is funny you should ask that because that exact same thought went through my yes, I think I will do a card of it. Great minds think alike...ha ha.

  20. Congratulations on your Blogaversary! I aspire to keep up the blogging over the next year - it is a great way to stay motivated and inspired.

    What a fantastic and diverse selection of images on your blog - the wealth of talent makes my brain hurt!

  21. CATHY !!!!
    congratulations !!!!!
    glad we are blog buddies !

  22. Love the folk angel prints...please put me in for the draw.

    Julianna Bollini's papier mache pictures are fun and I love the ceramics by Natalya Sots. Great variety of artists!

  23. Sorry Flora, but I know what you mean. There is so much talent around that it is like a continual feast of eye candy.

  24. Thanks Robyn. I will put you in the proverbial hat.

  25. Congratulations on your blog birthday, thank you for introducing me to the work of Nancy Nicholson it's gorgeous just off to find more.

  26. Hi Cathy!! Can't believe I missed this opportunity!! I was away last week and planned to leave a comment yesterday - but guess what ? The internet was down -AGAIN!!!!! Well, anyway, congrats on your anniversary -a year already! What a great contribution you've made to the blogging world too - always so much of interest, with this week no exception! Going straight over to comment on the new one now!

  27. Hi Caroline. Thanks very much for your kind words. Sorry you missed the giveaway but I will be having others before my next blog anniversary..ha ha. It must be a pain to lose the Internet connection. Luckily it doesn't happen over here too often.

  28. Hi, I have just been sent a link to your blog by a friend, you mention my work, Nancy Nicholson...and I am ashamed that there is no work on the net to look at. I have writen two books however and been teaching and bringing up family! Soon there will be a website and a new business selling kits and interactive stationary...check out my holding page at
    Thanks for the mention and best wishes

  29. Hi Nancy. How nice of you to get in touch. I think your work is gorgeous and I loved the magazine article about you. It will be great to see more of your craftwork when you get your site up and running. Good luck with that. You have obviously been doing some very important work with your books and of course bringing up a family. I will keep a close eye on your holding page to see what
