Sunday, September 14, 2008

My New Scarf and My New Computer

This is Mitch wearing my lovely new scarf which I won in Phyllis's giveaway on her blog Spin, Knit and Life. Very warm and toasty....I am not sure if Mitch will hand it back.

I had to wear gymslips very like these when I attended primary school many years ago. The only difference was that mine had a belt around the middle so I resembled a sack of potatoes. This piece is called "First Day at School". The hats are pure fabrication of course.
This is a rough sketched illustration which I have coloured digitally, again roughly. She is definitely growing on me. I love the palatte of this image and they are all CMYK colours so they won't look different when printed.
Another sketchbook bird, this one is also in fibre tipped pen colours.
I originally designed this for a needlepoint I was planning but I never actually got around to doing it. One of these days perhaps....! It is watercolour at the moment but I may decide to digitalise it.
A very fancy red sketchbook bird. I have used fibre tipped pens on this one.
This is one of my favourite sun designs and I use it a lot in various pictures.

The following images are all the artwork of English pen and ink artist Seren Bell.

I received a lovely prezzie in the post the other day. I had won a hand knitted scarf on Phyllis's blog Spin,Knit, and Life. She had a giveaway and I was one of two winners. Being a non-knitter I received the already knitted item. It arrived this week and it is a beautiful navy blue wool scarf. It came with instructions on ways to wear it - thank you very much Phyllis. I love it and I will enjoy wearing it this autumn/winter. I have always been a "scarf" person. I know I have posted pictures of my old ted "Mitch" wearing it but I hate photos of myself and Mitch is much better looking. I was given him when I was 9 years old and frightened of the dark. Needless to say, he didn't help much, but he is rather lovely, if a trifle dirty and threadbare (no pun intended). So once again thanks very much Phyllis.

My main news this week is that I am now the proud owner of a couple of large boxes. What is interesting about that I hear you say. Well it is what is in the boxes that counts. It is a brand, spanking new computer with Windows Vista to replace my old XP. The screen is 22 inches instead of the tiny one I am using at the moment. I really won't know myself when it is all installed. Thanks to my brother and his partner, Lesley for sorting it out for me... and hopefully they will also oversee the installation and transfer of all my stuff onto the new model. I can't wait. It is by way of being all of my Christmas and birthday presents for the rest of my life.....!!!

My artwork this week is more illustrative. I have always been a fan of illustrations, particularly contemporary, so I thought I would start drawing some myself. I have been checking out the illustration sites on Flickr and there is so much fantastic stuff on there. I also own a couple of very large illustration tomes which are endlessly inspiring. I borrowed a few library books with images of 1950s designs for wall paper and curtains. I love the 1950s era for design. The colours are great and the artwork itself is very distinctive. So watch out for a few retro pieces from me in the coming weeks.
My featured artist this week is Seren Bell. She is an English artist who specialises in pen and ink with coloured pencil. Her chosen subjects are usually rural scenes and especially sheep. Her style is totally different from Caroline Ireland in last week's post, as her palatte is much more subdued and natural looking. I love her work. Never have sheep and lambs looked so interesting. She can be found on the internet here and here.
Now I am off to make room for that new computer.....!


  1. Hi Cathy,
    You are so very welcome. I'm so glad that you won. Mitch is so cute. He and Aloysius would make good friends. They may start charging us modeling fees. I've used Aloysius several times to model my knitted scarves and caps. I love the multi-colored birds. Their bright colors are so cheerful.
    Congratulations on the new computer. I know you must be anxious to get it up and running.
    Have a good week.

  2. Thanks Phyllis. I will certainly be glad to get the new computer up and running. This one is so very sloooowwww. I enjoy bright colours to cheer everyone up on dull days.

  3. Congratulations on your new scarf and your new boxes!!! I hope you get lots of pleasure from working away on your new machine :) I love the lady with the bird on her head!

  4. Glad you like that one Laura. It is probably my favourite of all my recent work. Isn't it nice when something turns out Can't wait for the computer to be up and running.

  5. I like your three little girls !
    love the crowns [ hats ? ]
    repeats the jumper pleats

    and thank you for Seren Bell
    never knew her work
    beautiful work !

    I'm so busy working on the puzzle idea
    AND right now I am drawing the Queen
    for an etsy customer
    thought that would make you smile

  6. I am definitely looking forward to seeing the Queen Sandy. I should imagine that that is quite a difficult one.

  7. Lovely scarf and I love your artwork!

  8. Thanks Jen. I am looking forward to it getting cooler so that I can wear it.

  9. Great artist, I am in love with Pen & Ink again. Wonderful about your new computer - you will enjoy the larger screen and wonder how you ever got along with out it.

  10. Hi Holly, yes I am certainly looking forward to a larger screen so that I can have several windows open at the same time. Glad you like Seren Bell. I love her work too.

  11. You're lucky to win such a nice scarf. Thanks for sharing those Seren Bell images. I can appreciate a more subdued palette. Here drawing is wonderful. I really loved those sheep best of all. I love coming here and finding new (to me) illustrators to appreciate.

  12. Glad you like my choice of illustrators and artists Mellanie. There are so many good ones on the net and I love seeking them all out. I love Seren's sheep too. I have tried pen and ink and coloured pencil and I can never get my stuff to look like
