Sunday, September 21, 2008

Alison Wagstaffe and Charming Ladies

I really enjoyed creating this piece of artwork. It is pen and ink which has been digitally coloured. I love the effect you get when the colour doesn't fit into the space provided for it. I restricted the palette to just a few colours and I think it works quite well. You may need to click on this image to get a clear picture of it. I liked it so much I thought it deserved a special title so it is called "In The Forest Of Perfect Happiness".
This is entitled "Conversation Piece" although I think the bird is probably doing most of the talking. Not quite sure where the inspiration behind the unusual headgear came from. I think it originally started life as a flower but it seemed to morph into something much more spectacular. I love red, white and black as colour combinations.
The Bride - This image was originally just going to be pen and ink but I decided to add a bit of colour to the background because her nerves were making her too pale and wan. I quite like the way she turned out but she doesn't look very happy.
The Meeting Place - I love the umbellifers masquerading as trees in this picture. I think they may be appearing in a few more artworks in the future.
The following images are all artwork produced by UK artist and printmaker Alison Wagstaffe. I hope you enjoy her work as much as I do.

Well, the new computer isn't quite up and running yet. There is a lot more to installing and getting one ready than you would think. All the old programmes have to be reinstalled and, if the old ones are considered obsolete, new ones have to be bought. It also turns out that Vista doesn't like old scanners like mine so that is going to have to be replaced too. The main thing that has to change though, is that we now have to have a modem to get access to the internet. This is due to be delivered on Tuesday, and perhaps then I can use the new computer. As my brother explained to me, when you buy new technology, it won't necessarily work with the old technology....hmmm. Well, my "old technology" was 6 years old and I don't consider that ancient, but then what do I know.

On a more positive note: my featured artist this week is Alison Wagstaffe. She is an English artist and printmaker living in Norfolk in the UK. Her work is primarily printmaking, producing etchings and collographs. She then uses watercolour, oils and silver and gold leaf to add colour and texture to her work. She is very inspired by angels and they feature in a lot of her work. I love her plump and charming ladies and mermaids as they have a deliciously naive quality about them. Her choice of subject matter reminds me of my own artwork in many ways.

I have illustrated some of her images in this post but if you want to see lots more of her lovely work go to her website here. I think we are very lucky in this country to have such a wealth of talented artists and printmakers.

I hope next week to tell you that I am enjoying using my new computer but perhaps I shouldn't be tempting fate just yet. So until then have an enjoyable week.


  1. I love Alison's red bird and lady
    It's so great that you are introducing artists that I have not heard of.
    Thanks !
    I like your bride !

  2. I love The Meeting Place. The colors are perfect. You do such nice artwork.
    Good luck with that computer. At times they can just be so frustrating.

  3. Thanks Phyllis. I did enjoy doing that one although it took quite a while. The computer is a "work in progress" at the moment but I have high hopes for

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks Sandy. It is amazing how many talented artists and craftspeople there are around these days. The Internet has brought many of them to our attention that we would never have come across normally.

  6. I really like "In The Forest Of Perfect Happiness". I love the colors and the way that you applied them!

  7. Thanks Stephanie. That is one of myh favourites too. I will probably be doing more artwork with those colours.

  8. The Meeting Place is my favorite image this week, also.

    I ended up with a new scanner after our last computer update. But, it works great and is easy to use. Change can be good.

  9. I really like "In the Forest of Perfect Happiness." I'm not sure which I like the most, though, the art or the title. Probably just a great combination.

  10. Thanks Bunnits. That is definitely my favourite too. The title just came to me out of the blue. I like the idea of a forest of perfect happiness.

  11. That is very true Holly. Sometimes we get set in our old estalished ways when introducing something new is a better way forward.
