Saturday, April 26, 2008

Unfinished Symphony in Needlepoint

The title says it all. My needlepoint is unfinished and has been languishing in a drawer for the past 18 months. It must be familiar to all artists and craftspeople the world over. You start off with a wonderful idea: be it a painting, mosaic or a piece of textile artwork, and after the initial idea has been recorded, you run out of ideas for finishing the piece. That is exactly what has happened here. I started off with an interesting sketch which worked beautifully in needlepoint but I didn't have a clue where to take it to completion. I have racked my brains to come up with an amazing border or something to finish it off, to no avail. So, back it goes in the drawer, until suddenly one day I will be hit with a bolt of inspiration from the universe and within a couple of days it will be completed and framed. I am ashamed to say that this is far from being the only piece of art in my collection that is awaiting a completion date....!!!


  1. OMGosh--your needlepoint is amazing! So gorgeous! You have to take it out of that drawer. How about using it to upholster a small stool or putting a fabric border around it, some batting, and hang it as an art quilt?
    Smiles, Karen

  2. Beautiful! Yes, UFOs are a regular part of my crafting life too!

  3. Thanks for the ideas Karen. I am feeling a bit more inspired about it now.

    Thanks for the comment gracie bird. Haven't heard that term UFO's in relation to craft before -I like it

  4. Beautiful needlepoint. I can relate to the UFO drawer. I think I have a closet full!

  5. I know the feeling well! I've been designing for 40 years, and had too many I never completed. At the present time, I work on a Celadon adaptation I started for my son 14 years ago. I WILL finish this. As for yours, I can see that it isn't large - it's beautiful and very busy. I would simply border it with a 3 thread slanted gobelin in one of the darker valuse to confine all that pattern - and call it finished.

  6. P.S. Your blog is gorgeous and fascinating!! How on earth have I missed it?? It's now on my "daily read" list.

  7. Thanks Kawaii Crafter. It is a pity there isn't someone around somewhere to finish off all our UFO'

  8. Hi Judy. Thanks very much for your comments. Glad you like the needlepoint. I think your suggestion of a small border of a darker shade is a good one. It is a very active design and colourway. I did have plans to extend it quite a bit because it is in the centre of a large piece of mesh but I didn't know where to take it to. I will have to get it out again when I have a moment and give it some thought.

    Glad you like the blog. There are so many wonderful artists and craftspeople around that I wanted to bring them to the attention of the blogging world and share the beauty around a bit. I only post weekly because of that though.

  9. It would be the perfect pillow? Gorgeous pattern!

  10. That is really sweet of you to say Linnea.
