Sunday, April 27, 2008

Birds and Trees and Trees and Birds

Been busy drawing and painting today as the weather seemed a bit inhospitable. Did pop out to the local church for a naughty cream tea at 3pm though. The proceeds go to the church fund so I tell myself it is in a good cause....hah hah. Photographed some pretty forget-me-nots but will post them another day.

I have had a bird and tree day today - my favourite things to paint and draw. The digital bird on the tree is from the sketch I posted the other day. It is a work in progress and will probably take me some time to complete. I love painting digitally but it is VERY slow.

The love birds is called Opposites Attract and is now on Etsy. That is also from a sketch I posted the other day under the title Kookie Birds. I thought the two little twin birds were sweet and deserved a nice contemporary landscape of their own. Will their union last? I am pretty sure it will. I hope so anyway.

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