Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Keeping The Kitties Calm

We had Guy Fawkes or Bonfire Night a few days ago when effigies of Guy Fawkes are burned on bonfires, and firework displays take place all over the country. As children we were thrilled with bonfire night and loved saving our money to buy as many fireworks as possible, but these days, sadly, I think it is just a waste of money. The fireworks are very expensive and many of them don't last very long. A large public display is the best way to see the very best fireworks. Personally, I prefer to stay at home and keep the cats company. One of them is deaf but the other finds the noise very distressing, especially the really loud bangers.

I haven't done much in the way of new artwork this week as I am still knee deep in Christmas cards. Making that is, not writing - that will be the next thing.

I thought I would draw some fallow deer instead of red deer for a change. I like their palmate antlers. We have herds of fallow deer in a forest estate a few miles away and it is good fun to drive through the area and see if you can spot the deer. It is a vast area so you are very lucky if you can get a glimpse of them. This picture is called "Sheltered".

This is Mischievous Bird which is the coloured version of the pen and ink drawing I did a while back.

Lindsey Hambleton is a Derbyshire artist who paints beautifully vibrant and colourful images of the English landscape. She builds up her paintings with textures and glazes which give a lovely sense of light. There is lots of gorgeous art on her website here (don't forget to check out the archives). She is also involved in painting scenes from an ancient trackway in Derbyshire called The Derbyshire Portway. Details of which can be found on the website also. I used to live in Derbyshire myself for a short period as a child and the scenery and landscapes of the Peak District are simply wonderful.

Cattle On The Horizon

Ilam Church

If you are like me and love a nice cup of tea, what could be more fun than making it in one of these gorgeous teapots. I think in this day and age of instant teabags in cups and mugs, the poor old teapot is losing ground. It is great to think nostalgically of times past when the teapot sat on its trivet, centre table, with its woolly hat on and the tea left to steep. Yuck...I loathe strong tea. I actually do make tea in a mug and the bag is left in for seconds before being whipped out. I still like the idea of a nice teapot though...! These pots are from Onehappystore here.

Funky Rooster Teapot

Garden Dance Teapot

Frizzle Chicken Teapot

I took a stroll past a local church the other day and took some pictures of my favourite lime trees. At least I think they are limes. They were just starting to turn a beautiful greeny, goldy, brown colour, and looked beautiful against the grey stone of the ancient building. The church dates from 1140 AD but stands on ground which was revered before that date.

I have discovered a new greetings card producer whose work I totally love. Her name is Diane Williams and she goes under the name of "Bird". You can check out her website here. She paints the most gorgeous animal and bird images in gouache and acrylic and also produces greetings cards from them. Below are the three I bought. There are lots more in the series but the shop I bought them from only carried about 6 different designs. If I had owned the shop I would have stocked them all. Diane's paintings are so beautifully delicate, colourful and detailed and each card is signed by her in pencil. The trouble is you would want to keep the cards for yourself instead of sending them to people.

I have used watercolour for years but never really tried gouache. If these are the results you can get I think I will have to start using them.


Cock Pheasant

Brown Hare

I first came across Grainne (pronounced Grawn-yuh) Morton at the Chelsea Craft Fair which is held in the in the Old Town Hall, King's Road, Chelsea. This was quite a few years ago because I haven't visited for some time now. Her intriguing metallic contemporary jewellery made quite an impact. She uses lots of miniature pieces of found and vintage items to create her beautifully designed work. Go here to find lots more jewellery and other items.

Row Of Flowers Brooch
Blue Horse Collage Brooch
Butterfly Bracelet
The two images below are the work of artist/printmaker Rosemary Farrer. Rosemary admits to being inspired by nature and it shows in the beautiful work on her website here.

First Worm

Snow In Kew Gardens

I love these cushions by Rustique Interiors. Lovely and "folky" tweed with appliqued hearts. They can be found, among other lovely items, here.

Some people will already know of the work of Elaine Pamphilon as she is well-known and represented in the UK's galleries. Her work is beautifully naive and contemporary and full of colour. She paints what she loves which is an excellent reason for painting. Much of her inspiration comes from the lovely coastal area around St. Ives. I love her spontaneous and free style of painting mugs especially, and, of course, her delightful birds. So quirky and whimsical. You can find a huge display of her work on her website here and also at the Bircham Gallery site here.

Blackbird And Berries

Mug And Spoon St. Ives

Molly Talking To The Birds

Sea Song At St. Ives



andamento said...

Hello Cathy, my favourite item this week is your own picture, Sheltered. Really nice!

tammykingdon said...

I love your "Sheltered" picture, it would make a fantastic christmas card

Cathy said...

Hi Anne. I really enjoyed drawing that image. I think deer are great motifs for white or black. I am in the mood for some more now...haha.

Cathy said...

Hi Tammy. Thanks for visiting. Good luck with your new blog. Will look forward to seeing what else you are creating.


I love your artwork Cathy, also love Elaine Phamphilon of course. I have many of her cards as I'm lucky to get them in a local shop. I have the "blackbird and berries" card on my wall. I find it very inspiring. I shall pop over and visit her stuff now as I haven't visited since July (naughty me!). Thanks for all the wonderful stuff you find to share with us

Carolyn x

~ Phyllis ~ said...

Hi Cathy,
I love your Church pictures always have and always will. You have access to some of the most beautiful churches. I'm envious.
Those teapots are a delight.
Good luck with the Christmas cards.

Caroline said...

I'm in agreement all round! Sheltered is a beautiful piece, fireworks are a waste of money and tea shouldn't be strong!!! Love the teapots (especially the Frizzle chicken!). I'm off to check out some of those websites now. Have a good week!

Cathy said...

Hi Carolyn. Yes, Elaine Pamphilon is wonderful. I particularly love the way she paints her birds. They are so quirky.

Cathy said...

Thanks Phyllis. I am still beavering away at the cards. They seem to go on forever. Glad you like the churches. I think we are so lucky in this country to have so many beautiful, ancient churches, packed full of history.

Cathy said...

Hi Carolyn. I see you also dislike strong tea. Can't bear tasting a cup full of tanin myself. Tea is very refreshing but only if you have the slightest hint of tea in it...haha. I know maany people will disagree with us here. The frizzle chicken teapot is great.

sandygrafik said...

You have so beautiful artwork! I've just join Blogcatalog and found your cute site there!!

sea-blue-sky & abstracts said...

Hi Cathy, as always I love every little bit of this post, starting with 'Sheltered' - the trees seem to 'echo' the deer antlers. Love Diane Williams cards too, especially the pheasant and then there's wonderful jewellery, cushions and Elaine Pamphilon paintings - great! Lesley

AmyMusings said...

I must have that funky rooster teapot. I must!

Cathy said...

Hi Sandy. Love your illustrations too. Great work you do. Thanks for visiting.

Cathy said...

Thanks Lesley. Glad to hear that you enjoy the blog. I love all the artists and craftspeople I feature and think they deserve as much exposure as possible.

Cathy said...

Hi Amy. It is great isn't it. You couldn't fail to be cheered up by a cup of tea from that pot.

Acornmoon said...

I agree with you about the fireworks, I love the visual spectacle but why do they have to bang, my dog hates it too.

Your Christmas cards are looking good.

Sandy Mastroni said...

Hi Cathy
The photos of the church are very beautiful
YES >>>> mermaids !
I would like to see your mermaids

Cathy said...

Perhaps if they made soundless fireworks with all the spectacle and non of the noise Valerie. That would be great.

Cathy said...

Hi Sandy, yes I definitely can feel a mermaid coming on...haha. May be a week or two but I will get there.

Pomona said...

I love Sheltered - are you going to be selling some of your work? It is so striking - I love it!

Pomona x

Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely selection. Your deer are wonderful and your bird is so cheeky!

Holly Zemak said...

Diane Williams cards are great, could not pick a favorite. Maybe the chickens. Love the graphic black tree in Sheltered. Interesting patterns between the branches.

Cathy said...

Thanks Pomona. Nice to know you like that one. I have sent you an email about "shelterd" btw.

Cathy said...

Thanks Juliet. I am very into quirky birds. I am also planning a few more deer before

Cathy said...

Hi Holly. That tree shape is a favourite of mine and I have used it before in various forms. I love drawing trees of any description.

Chatters said...

Hi Cathy
I love your Mischievous Bird, so beautiful. And has always you have posted some gorgeous art work from other artists. The landscape paintings are stunning, absolute lovely marks and colours, and so lots of atmosphere. I love the teapots too, I have a thing about teapots and am always looking around for them.

I agree about fireworks, it doesnt seem to be the same as when we were kids. We use to bake potatoes and chestnuts on a big fire. That was more enjoyable than the fireworks. They look lovely but are so expensive. A bit overrated for me.

Cathy said...

Hi Amanda

The only really fabulous firework display I ever saw was a huge one held in Brighton at the time of the Brighton Festival years ago. It was on a grand scale and absolutely awe inspiring. Sadly a one off I think.

The teapots are great aren't they? Makes you want to go and put the kettle on. In fact I think I will...!

Cathy said...

I sometimes do that Kat. I check the comments and my comment is not there but I am certain I left one. Perhaps they don't always register for some reason.

I agree about Cornwall. It is so beautiful. I would love to live there. St. Ives is great for artists too. Loads of art and craft galleries.

A bird in the hand said...

Thank you for showing Elaine Pamphilon. I'm totally smitten!


Cathy said...

Hi Colette. I like the naiveity of her work. I think it is completely charming. I would love an original.