Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back 28 November

Hello Everyone, sorry to be gone so long. Lots more to sort out and come to terms with than I ever thought possible. I will be back on the 28th though and look forward to visiting everyone again. I have missed you all.


  1. Cathy I do hope you are coping better each day. Having been through the death of loved ones I know there is so much sorting and adjusting. Thinking of you. Take care.

  2. waiting for you to get back and to look at more of your lovely work :)

  3. Hi Cathy - looking forward to seeing you back in blogland. Best wishes and take care. G

  4. Hello, lovely to be having you back, hoping things are better for you xxxx

  5. Look forwrd to seeing you back Cathy, thinking of you.

  6. Hi Cathy

    Sorry to read about your loss in the previous post. Will look forward to seeing you back on 28 November. In the meantime, take care of yourself. Best wishes, Lesley.

  7. Dear Cathy, I'm so happy I found your blog! I remember that I have seen your drawings before. Perhaps then I hadn't had yet a blog, otherwise I should have followed it. Now I recognized your style and am eager to read all the previous and future posts!:)

  8. Hello Cathy Glad to see you back. Hope you are well

  9. Hello Cathy. Hope you are well. Can imagine the last weeks have been very difficult for you. Looking forward to seeing you here again soon.x

  10. Thank you everyone for all your lovely kind comments. I am missing all your blogs but I wanted to get everything sorted out and cleared up before I came back to blogland again. Will be popping round in the not too distant future to catch up with you all. Cathy
