Thursday, July 22, 2010

Art In Action 2010

I have gone all black and white and graphic this week. This is a pen and ink drawing called "Waiting For A Friend"
Just a little cat and bird drawing
I found a beautiful piece of music on YouTube the other day which I know you will all love. It is called Saylon Dola by Russell Watson and Maire Brennan - gorgeous. I think I have almost worn out this version.

Art In Action 2010 seems to have come round very quickly this year. It was just as enjoyable as in previous years but I didn't take so many photos. Last year I concentrated so much on photos that I missed quite a lot so this year I concentrated on seeing more whilst I was there. My main areas of interest were the drawing and printmaking, illustration and textile marquees but I did manage to get round everything. I also bought a beautiful book which I will tell you about next week. You will need to click on the photos to enlarge.

This papier mache sculpture by David Farrer was one of my favourite pieces of the whole show. It doesn't look it here but it is about four feet tall and enormous. All the body is covered in pages from books. You can see more of David's work here on his website. If you click on "making and conservation" which is just under the image blocks you can see how the sculptures are made.

The needle felted artwork below is by Eve Kelly. She takes needle felting to a new level with her amazing work. You wouldn't think this was created just using felted wool and a needle and a whole heap of talent of course.

Below is textile weaver Alpa Mistry at her Dobby Loom where she weaves beautiful silk items. You can see Alpa's website here.

Two views of the huge ceramics marquee

Whilst I was at the show I tootled off to the beautiful gardens to take some photos. Waterperry is well known for its trees, shrubs and flowers. Below is a selection of some of the flowers and seedheads I came across.

and the pears for which Waterperry is famously named.

This is well known artist Jenny Wheatley demonstrating her work in the painting marquee. Some of you may remember Jenny as the guest judge on one of the series of Watercolour Challenge with Hannah Gordon. I used to love watching that programme. Jenny's painting style is very bright and contemporary. Below you can see a couple of her paintings. You can see more of Jenny's work on her website here or at the Bourne Gallery here.

Witch's House, Keswick

Party Shoes

This is a photo of Jane Hickman's greetings cards printed from her original batik designs. I have mentioned Jane and her gorgeous work before but for anyone who doesn't know her you can find her website here.

I spent a long time browsing in the printmaking and drawing marquee. I came across some well known artists there. One of them was Carry Akroyd who I have mentioned previously. The work is very varied and of such a high standard and it is fascinating to watch these experts demonstrating and explaining their techniques. I could have spent the entire day in just this one marquee. I don't blame the people who get a ticket for the entire four days of the show. Brilliant idea.


  1. It sounds like a very interesting day out. I love the flower and seedhead photos, beautiful.
    I also really like your cat and bird drawings though I think they would work well seperately too.

  2. I love YOUR art the very best of all.

  3. Hi Cathy, what a treat to visit 'Art in Action' it's been a pleasure to view your photos. I really like Jenny Wheatley's work too. Bye for now, Lesley

  4. Thanks Anne. The day out was wonderful. I just wish I could have stretched it to the four days the event was on for. I could definitely have filled my time. Glad you like the cat and bird.

  5. Thanks very much Lyn. That is very nice of you to say so.

  6. Hi Lesley. It was a real treat. Jenny's stand was great and I just wished I could have spent more time chatting to all the exhibitors. It was a case of too much to see and do and too little time. There were loads of practical classes too but I didn't have time for any of those either.

  7. I enjoyed visiting the show, if only as your guest in cyberspace!

    Love your cat and bird drawing, very "textiley".

  8. Thanks Valerie. I enjoyed drawing them. I wish you could have been at the show in reality. You would have loved it. I just want to go back now and see all the things I missed...sigh.

  9. Hi Cathy,
    Can't get enough of Russell. Love that song. Actually, I love anything that he sings :)
    Your flower photos are beautiful, especially the thistle. Love the loom photo.
    Hope you are staying cool during this hot summer.

  10. You and me both Phyllis. I cannot stop playing it. Russell and Maire-what a due. I wish they would do more together.

    Our weather is cooling off a bit now but I bet yours is still hot hot hot. I have read about quite a few American bloggers who are complaining of the very high temps this summer. Only one more month to go though...haha.

  11. A really interesting post. What a great show. And a beautiful venue.
    I especially like your photos of the flowers and seed heads.

  12. looks like a wonderful show! I love your cat drawing too!

  13. Just found your nice comment, thank you. After a look at your blog I realise I have seen your wonderful Nuthatch drawing on Lesleys blog. Been enjoyed seeing more of your art work.

  14. You blog is, as always, a visual delight. A much needed treat during my ordeal with my van.

  15. Thanks very much. The show was wonderful as always.

    I love photographing flowers and particularly seedheads. They are fascinating.

  16. Thanks Juliet. I wanted to make him a bit quirky and not quite a normal cat. Hopefully I succeeded.

  17. Thanks very much Milly. Nice of you to visit.

  18. Hi Melissa. Glad it proved a bit of a distraction from your problems. Hope they are sorted out now.

  19. rock music fan's here. Wow, Nice pics.. i love the flowers..

  20. Oh, just seen that I didn't post a comment last week. I visited but must have got distracted when visiting websites!!! What a lovely day out that must have been. I went once some years ago and was quite exhausted after! Love your photos!

  21. Hi Caroline. It was exhausting there but so amazing that you don't notice the aching legs until you relax at home. I just wish I could have spent the entire four days there. I wouldn't have had a moment to spare.

  22. Waiting for a Friend is beautiful and though Eve Kelly's work is amazing your's is my favourite in this post.

  23. I really like your drawings, very cool! Check out mine, I think you'll like them :)

  24. Thanks very much Robyn. Although I adore colour sometimes I like to get back to my black and white ink drawing roots...haha.

  25. Thanks Ida. Some interesting work you have there.
