Friday, June 25, 2010

Hot Summer Days

Our weather has gone into summer mode now and is a little too hot for me. We are having around 29C at the moment. I don't mind the hot days so much if only the nights were cool. We are getting a bit short of water too with the grass turning quite brown and parched in the garden. Sadly the bright lime greens of spring are but a memory.

This is my uber favourite song on YouTube at the moment. Have a listen and see if you like it.

Tell Me Now What You See by Moya Brennan

I never watch football as I am allergic to it but I did feel a bit sorry for the English side. Such a crushing defeat is hard to take. Mind you they have gigantic salaries to take their minds off it.

This is my latest digital drawing - Scarlet And Gold

My latest flower photographs

I love this cute cat embroidery by textile and mixed media artist Jane Poulton. You can see some of her images here at the Contemporary Art Holdings site. Just click on the central image which says Jane Poulton.

The two lovely etchings below are by printmaker Will Vaughan. I find his work beautifully atmospheric and detailed. You can see more of his artwork on his website here.



I am really enjoying being out and about in the local countryside this summer. We have been busy geocaching for several months now and recently decided to hide our own cache. It comprises fourteen little receptacles and the instructions to find them will soon be published. It has been fun trying to find places to hide them and be as creative as possible. The three views below are near to where one of the caches is hidden.

I have read about Hus And Hem on quite a few blogs recently so I thought I would pop over to their site here and have a look for myself. They are a Scandinavian company and Hus and Hem means House and Home. They have some beautifully stylish designs but these two below are my favourites.

Golden Apple Dishcloths


Holly Wright uses reclaimed materials to make her beautifully quirky furniture and chickens and often the two together. You can see more of her craftwork on her website here.

I would like to wander through Sue Slack's gorgeously vibrant landscapes. She has a wonderful sense of colour. She is hugely inspired by nature and the areas around North Yorkshire where she lives and works. I particularly love her tree paintings. You find lots more beautiful landscape oils on her website here.

Terrington Series X

Sun Setting On Trees II

Rosebury Topping Series I


  1. As always, Cathy...I love to stop by for wonderful inspiration and a great education!! Love the flower pics!! Hugs, Trudy in Colorado

  2. Cathy, I absolutely LOVE Scarlet and Gold- albeit they're not my favourite colours, so well done. Your photos are exquisite- how did you get the purple into the tree trunk, it's gorgeous! Happy heatwave!

  3. another lovely post! Your scarlet and gold picture is gorgeous, such vivid summery colours! I also particularly like your roses, Jane Poulton's cute cat and Holly Wright's reclaimed chickens!

  4. Thanks Trudy. Nice to see you here.

  5. Hi Tammy. They are not my favourite colours either but I thought I would have a change from blues and greens (which are my favourites). The tree is just as it came out. It was late evening with strong low sunshine so perhaps they made a difference. Glad you like the pix.

  6. Thanks Juliet. I love photographing flowers, and especially roses. They are so beautiful. Glad you like Holly Wright's chickens. They are so cute. I love Jane Poulton's work and would treasure one of her embroideries.

  7. I've had a fine time following great links. Holly Wright's quirky pieces have put me in a great mood. Aren't they charming? Love your Secrets be Told. It conveys that flittishness of a bird trying to keep your attention away from the hidden nest. I also enjoyed listening to the Moya Brennan piece which reminds me to hall out her cds again. i go through phases. Thanks Cathy.

  8. Absolutely love your post Cathy, your digital drawing, those colours are gorgeous! I love the prints of Will Vaughan and the Holly Wright chickens. Thank you so much for always bringing us inspiring art to admire :o)

  9. Glad you like all the finds this week Robyn. I love a bit of quirky too..haha. Moya Brennan and Enya are my musical heroines. Lucky family to have two such talented members.

  10. Thanks Carolyn. The little quote on Scarlet and Gold came to me one day whilst I was out walking and I designed the image to fit the words. Quite different from my usual palette.

  11. What a fabulous collection! You're a *great* curator : )

  12. It is always a delight to visit your blog. So many neat and creative things to look at. I agree with Nicola, you are a great curator. Each time I visit is like going to the art gallery.

    I especially liked your roses, the landscape photos, and the whimsical chickens.

  13. I enjoyed all your summery photos this week, Cathy. Aren't those chickens great? I'd love to get my hands on one of them and I wouldn't say no to the dishcloths either!! Hope you aren't sweltering too much and managing to avoid too much football exposure(like me)!

  14. Thanks Melissa. I am glad you are inspired by what I find too. I find eveything sparks off so many ideas in my head that I would never have time to put them all on paper.

  15. Hi Caroline. Footie seems to have died a bit of a death over here since our defeat. We are still hot but not quite as hot as last week. This is our third week without any rain to speak of so that is a bit of a problem. Our lovely fresh greens are going brown now.
