Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Temporary New Email Address

If anyone has emailed me and got returned mail it is because my email server is misbehaving in a big way for complex cyber reasons. I cannot get anything on the farawayhills at the moment so I have put an alternative email address on my profile. It is not because I am ignoring anyone...honest.


  1. Hi Cathy,
    I've just sent an email to thank you for my wonderful parcel so I hope it has got through. I was delighted with all the things you sent - so generous and all so beautiful. Thank You!
    Gina x

  2. Oh these computers. You can't live with them and you can't live without them. At least I can't.

  3. Thanks Gina. Yes it did. I am so pleased that it reached you safely and that you like the things I sent. I look forward to seeing who is next in line to receive that lovely little book.

  4. Same here Phyllis. I remember telling my eldest brother many years ago that I wasn't the least bit interested in getting a computer...haha. How wrong I was.

  5. Hope you got my email letting you know I've put something on my blog about your very generous give-away and the lovely Hen Collector.

  6. Hi Cathy,

    You're a winner! See my post today for more...

    Anne x

  7. Thanks Chrissie. I have just popped over to see your blog and leave a comment.

  8. Hi Anne. I am doing this all backwards as I have already been over to your blog and thanked you for the gorgeous giveaway prize. Can't wait to receive my robin.

  9. Hi Cathy,
    I do hope you got my email too, thanking you for your wonderful parcel.
    I once thought computers were a total waste of time and I'd never use one!!!

  10. Hi Deb, glad the parcel arrived safely. I think they have all been received now from both giveaways. I hope so anyway. Computers are those sort of things that even if you don't really like them you cannot do without them.

  11. Just love the work by Dawn and Tony. Thanks!

  12. Thanks Art4Sol. They are both superb artists in their own, very different fields.

  13. I've just garnered several artists names from your blog. Each one is amazing and offer great encouragement for me. I'm a budding....late bloomer. Your work is beautiful, as well!
    Your blue bells are so thick! I found one pink one in our!

  14. Hi Flower, glad that you have found some of the artists I have featured inspirational. Your blog is very beautiful and "country" with great photos. We love our bluebell woods in this country. Such a pity they don't last longer.
