Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tag - Seven Things I Love And Pretty Pictures

This is a pen and ink drawing called "Out Of Place, Out Of Time". I tried a new ink technique to draw the tree and get some texture into it and I think it worked quite well.
This is called multicoloured tree for fairly obvious reasons. It is a design I have used several times in different colours because I like the shape of the tree so much.
This is a pen and ink and digital image which I had fun playing around with.
I found some nice geese photos the other day and thought they would translate nicely into this scene. Quite a subdued palatte this time.
I fell in love with this delightful image by Anita Jeram for Two Bad Mice cards. I think this cat has so much character. I would love to find him sitting among the flowers in our garden.
I found another lovely card by the Japanese company Mocchi Mocci. Their cards are too nice to give away so I collect them myself.
I was given a lovely blogger award (thank you Caroline) and tagged the other day by Caroline of the delightful Caroline's Studio blog. I have to post 7 things that I love. That is easy peasy for me as I have trillions of things I love but I will try to whittle the list down to manageable proportions. Caroline illustrated her list with images, which is a great idea, so I am going to do the same thing.

You can see I have found the Text Colour button on blogger, can't Didn't even know they had one!

7 Things I Love

1) Bluebell woods in springtime. This one is close to where I live.
2) Art and Craft and other inspirational books. This is a tiny proportion of my collection!!!
3) Ancient churches like this one in South Bucks which dates back over a thousand years and contains Roman masonry in its fabric.
4) Wonderful old trees like this amazing ash tree at Clapton Court in Somerset and photographed for Thomas Pakenham's beautifully illustrated "Meetings with Remarkable Trees".
5) Split into two between my two cats - Tiggy
and Jack
6) Rooks (real and artistic) like this beautifully illustrated one by Deborah King in her childrens' book called Rook.
7) New York Baked Cheesecake posted by Flickrite {vickybee} ties with the wonderful Il Divo. To eat a piece of cheesecake whilst listening to Il Divo is the ultimate of course.
The following beautiful images are the work of English landscape painter Mervyn Goode.

Autumn Track

Sheep And Frosty Shadows
Foxgloves And Gate
Sheep Beside The Stile
Oak And Stile
Spring Tree
Field Maple
Autumn Glow
One month to go till Spring. I cannot believe the winter is passing so quickly. The spring flowers have arrived with mild, balmy weather. I remember reading as a child that time seems to pass more quickly as we age but this is worse than I imagined. I don't get half the things done in a day that I used to....very worrying!

Mervyn Goode is one of my favourite English landscape painters. He has an amazing gift creating art which shows us the England we used to have and would like to have again. He originally studied landscape architecture but then decided to become a painter. His work is very distinctive and his style readily recognisable. It is easy to see that he has a great love of nature, trees and the countryside and enjoys portraying it in his own way. He has exhibited widely and successfully for many years. He lives amid the beautiful scenery of Hampshire and so must have lots of inspiration for his work. I used to live in Hampshire myself and it is a lovely county.

You can find his art on many sites on the Internet but the Bourne Gallery have a good display and also the Nevill Gallery.


  1. An award well deserved, Cathy! This week's post is another treasure trove! So many things I love - the geese you've drawn, those cards, all your photos especially the stunning bluebell wood and your beautiful cats! I too have a bookcase full of design books (recognise a few there!)to- what a pity we live so far apart, it would be nice to borrow and lend! Enjoyed those paintings by Mervyn Goode too- they remind me how beautiful England can be.

  2. your tree in out of place, out of time is absolutely wonderful !
    and I love your cats
    cats are wonderful
    have a great week Cathy !

  3. Thanks Caroline. Glad you like the post this week. There are so many lovely pictures everywhere on the Internet. I am really looking forward to the bluebells coming out again.

  4. Hi Sandy. My cats are cutie pies....most of the time anyway. I just wish I could draw them

  5. Hi Cathy,
    I love your "7 Things list. The trees, church and bluebells are my favorites. That tree is huge!.
    Thank you for featuring Mervyn Goode's paintings. I love his landscapes. All the trees and sheep. Right up my alley.

  6. I thought you would like the tree Phyllis. I can some wonderful, big, illustrated books featuring very old and huge trees in the UK. You would love the pictures.

  7. I love cards from Two Bad Mice. There is a gift store in Rhode Island that carries the line. I stock up each August. You must of gone blind with all that detail on "Out of Place, Out of Time" came out beautiful. Nice to meet Tiggy and Jack.

  8. Strangely enough Holly, that amount of detail wouldn't bother me at all normally, but just lately my eyesight is getting a bit of a problem. I have reached the age where you have to hold things at arms length to read I am also shortsighted as well though, so I think a trip to the optician is called for soon.

  9. Bluebells and books...a feast for the eyes!
    "Out of Place,Out of Time" it!

  10. Thanks Robyn. Looking forward to the new bluebell season now.

  11. Hi Cathy - I love the Anita Jeram card - it's very 'stitchy' - I'm sure she must be an embroiderer. (I also love your 'background music'.)

  12. Thanks Shirley. I love that Anita Jeram card. It is so folky and quirky.
