Saturday, January 17, 2009

Women In Boats And Nicola Slattery

This is a straight forward pen and ink drawing entitled "Crossing The River". I loved doing the cross hatching on her dress. Very therapeutic and relaxing. Sorry this image cannot be enlarged. Just one of the really annoying things about blogger is that it picks at least one image in each post that it refuses to enlarge and for this post it just happens to be this one.
This shows the magazine photos which provided the inspiration for this drawing.

This is a combination of watercolour and digital colour. She is meant to be hiding in the long grass but I think she is trying to attract someones attention with the bright yellow balloon which the bird is holding. A digitally coloured image. This picture is called "The Visitor and started off as pen and ink and was then coloured digitally.

Doesn't everyone just love Etsy? So much variety and so much talent in one place. I discovered the creator of these lovely fabric pieces on the site the other day. She is Jane and is the owner of The Seventh Magpie etsy shop where she sells these lovely door guardians and lots of other delicate textile pieces. I think the idea of a door guardian is a lovely thought. Jane also has a blog which is well worth a browse.

The following images are all by English artist Nicola Slattery. Her extensive website can be found at I love all her work but I particularly like her ladies and fish images. Some of the pictures below are of prints and some are paintings. I have collected quite a few magazine articles about her work over the past few years and even attended one of her drypoint etching workshops which I loved. My etching didn't turn out brilliantly but that was due to me and not Nicola's I would love to try another drypoint etching class one day.

A Good Catch - Nicola Slattery
All At Sea - Nicola Slattery
Seductive Pool - Nicola Slattery
Gathering Fish - Nicola Slattery
Showers Of Flowers - Nicola Slattery
Exchanging Spires - Nicola Slattery
Companion - Nicola Slattery
Woodland Woman - Nicola Slattery
Lighthouse People - Nicola Slattery
Naming The Animals - Nicola Slattery
Gifts From The Sea - Nicola Slattery
Green Girl - Nicola Slattery

Hallowed Cat - Nicola Slattery
I was hoping to be out and about taking some winter photos this week but it has just been too inclement. I know, I am a coward where bad weather is concerned. I don't mind wind or rain or even wind and rain but I don't like being cold. No different from anyone else really. Driving past in the warm car I watch guiltily the brave, active people trotting off down the road. Perhaps this coming week will be warmer....!

My featured artist this week is a lady who I have mentioned before but I haven't posted any examples of her art. Nicola Slattery is very well known in the UK art world and her work is extremely popular with the buying public. She has a very interesting and extensive website here with a lovely array of her art and details of the art courses she holds.

Nicola is a painter and printmaker and her mainly figurative work has a lovely, contemporary/folk look to it. There is always more to see than what is represented on the surface, and the images are very thought provoking. Her beautiful, gentle ladies can be seen floating amidst dreamy scenery stroking wonderful animals and birds. Oh to live in a beautiful world like that. Well, one can dream.


  1. Hi Cathy,
    I always look forward to Monday so that I can read your new blog post and see your lovely pictures. I really like the lady in the boat. I was able to enlarge to second picture with the magazine. Her dress is very pretty. Lots of nice detail. I can imagine that it was very relaxing. The lady in the grass has such pretty eyes.
    I always look forward to seeing your featured artist. It's like a mini trip to a museum.
    And by the way I love Etsy.
    It's cold over here also.
    Stay warm and have a nice week.

  2. That is really kind of you to say so Phyllis. Glad you like the pictures I post. I will probably run out of featured artists one It is pretty parky over here too. We had a magnificent thunder and hail storm this afternoon.

  3. Hi Cathy , I know Nicola's work .
    I LOVE Nicola's work
    very nice post .
    Your drawings are wonderful as always .
    It's cold here too
    today > fluffy pretty snow
    have a great week Cathy

  4. Thanks very much Sandy. I have mentioned Nicola in the past but I hadn't shown any examples of her work and it is too good to miss out. It sounds very chilly where you are. Keep wrapped up.

  5. Another really inspiring post, Cathy! You've been so productive too - lots of really lovely images. I'm a huge fan of ETSY and hadn't seen Jane's work - what a really original idea!

  6. Thanks Caroline. Etsy is one of the first things I click on when I open the computer up in the mornings. It is

  7. I love "Crossing The River"! It was great to see the magazine cuttings that inspired your drawing.

  8. Great detail on your pen & ink "Crossing The River". I like that you find it relaxing. I also like your color combination on "The Visitor". Stay warm - cold and snowy here.

  9. Thanks Robyn. I get loads of inspiration from magazines. I have a huge library of cuttings. Can't keep the mags themselves...don't have the

  10. Thanks Holly. I try to come up with new colour combinations if I am working digitally but I seem to stick to the same ones in the main. I love a touch of red with most pictures.

  11. Cathy, you have such great taste in art! I love everything that you shared by The Seventh Magpie and Nicola Slattery. I need to go hop over to Etsy to look up some more after I finish typing this. I love all of your new drawings as well. My favorite this time is the woman in the tall grass. The image and the colors just make me smile. :)

    Thank you so much for voting for my doll on Etsy too, I deeply appreciate it!


  12. You are very welcome Stephanie. Now I have to get my new blog post sorted out for the weekend.

  13. I have always loved Nicola Slattery's work, especially her collographs.
    She did an article in the Artist & Illustrators Magazine in the early 90's when I was a student, all about her technique, it was really informative.
    Thanks for including me on your blog Cathy, and for introducing me to it, your drawings are an inspiration!

  14. You are very welcome Jane. Your work is really lovely. I remember seeing quite a few articles of Nicola's in various places. She has a great talent for teaching her techniques.
