Sunday, November 2, 2008

Flora/Chloris and Sarah Young

This is one of my new Christmas card designs. I haven't used this old gold colour for a background before but I really like it. Not traditionally Christmas looking but I think it works with the white deer.
This is Chloris - the first of my flower goddess drawings. I loved doing that hair. She looks better in the enlarged version.
This is a page from my new sketchbook. Sorry about the quality of the photo but it has been VERY dark here today.
This is Flora - the second flower goddess. She is very stylised but I am pleased with how she turned out.
This is a gorgeous Christmas card by Judi Trevorrow. It is designed for Milkwood Publishing and you can find their website here. They have some beautiful designs and great artists. I bought a large selection of their cards when I was on holiday in Cornwall a couple of years ago.
Lovely soft pastels in this angelic card by Sarah Summers
This is a great sheepy card by Anuk Naumann. Watercolour at its best.
Petra Borner Christmas Card. So beautiful and graphic. I love all her work.
The following images are all the work of the highly talented artist and printmaker Sarah Young.

When I get a drawing theme in my head it is very hard to shift and I tend to overdo it sometimes. I was leafing through a library book the other day and I spotted a painting of Flora, the mythological Roman goddess of flowers and spring. Her Greek counterpart was Chloris (love that name). Wasn't there a perfume called Chloris once? If there wasn't, there should have been. It is a perfect name for a flowery perfume. Anyway, I digress. I decided that a female portrait with flowers in the hair was a perfect theme for the run up to Christmas...... don't ask. I ended up with quite a batch of Flora/Chloris artwork so I chose the two I liked best to post in the blog this week. I hope you like them.

Harking back to last week's blog and my mention of my sketchbooks. Well I have been a very good artist and used my lovely new sketchbook properly without first drawing on scrap paper. I have gone a bit more illustrative and quirky for my sketches but found them very enjoyable. Quirky is good. When I produce a sketch I dislike, I then tend to do another on a little piece of scrap paper to paste in the sketchbook and cover up the unwanted one. Back to sketches on scraps of paper...I know, I know...!

My featured artist this week is the wonderful English artist and printmaker Sarah Young. She lives on the South Coast of England and is very well known in the art world for her beautiful work in various media. Her work is multifaceted but is very strong on myth and narrative. Not only does she paint, but she also produces monoprints, collographs, linocuts and silk screens and has had work published. She has also added some wonderful dolls to her repertoire. A multi-talented lady. She has a wonderful and extensive website here hosted by Jon Tutton who works with Sarah. Jon also co-produces a very interesting art blog called madeuk which is well worth a look. Hope you enjoy the links.


  1. Hi Cathy,
    I really like the gold Christmas card with the deer. I think it's some of your best work.
    Your collection of Christmas cards are really nice. I especially like the sheep card by Anuk.

  2. I like Flora and the lady with the little dog in your sketchbook
    going back now to look at more and read what you wrote

  3. Hi Phyllis. I really like that one too. It is a colour combination I haven't really used before but may well do some more.

  4. Thanks Sandy. I enjoyed doing the lady with the little spotty dog. I may do a larger version of her. Dogs are something I never get around to drawing really.

  5. Quirky is Great!!! And my favorite of all these images are your Christmas card and the view into your sketchbook, I think it's great that your filling it!

  6. Thanks Hanna. I am pleased with how the Christmas card turned out and also pleased that I am getting used to sketching in the right

  7. I enjoyed the Milkwood Publishing website. The Christmas card design works well, I lke your combination of gold with the teal and pink.

  8. Thanks Holly. That is a new combination for me but I will definitely use it again.

  9. Such talent! and to think, I cannot even draw a stick figure! Beautiful work!

  10. Thanks very much Jen. Glad you like my work.

  11. Hi Cathy
    Thank you for featuring my angel card on your blog.
    I also like your gold Christmas card, lovely use of colour. Works really well.
    Sarah S.

  12. Hi Sarah. Nice of you to visit. I love your Christmas angel card and it is one I will be keeping for

  13. There IS a perfume named Chloris. It comes in a pretty blue bottle. I've seen it at the house of an acquaintance. Unfortunately I do not know which company manufactures it.
