Saturday, August 9, 2008

Aint nobody here but us chickens (or cockerels in this case)

A collection of vivid watercolour cockerels

Rainbow Tree and Tiny Bird Watercolour
Sisters - pen and ink drawing. I really enjoyed drawing their hair.

Watercolour of hand tethering a cheetah.

Sketch of "Primavera" to be completed next week

The following are prints by printmaker Angie Lewin

Blog time again. Doesn't it come around quickly? I would love to blog more often than once a week but it is well nigh impossible to be that organised. I was contacted the other day by someone who has eight (yes 8) blogs. How on earth can they keep track of all those blogs and update them frequently, unless they are blogging all day and every day. Well, each to his own, but it wouldn't do for me.

Had a busy drawing and painting week as usual and I really enjoyed myself splashing a bit of colour around. My pink hand picture has been around in sketch form for a long time and I am not too sure about the border. I think a more subdued border may look better, but that is for another time. I have so many pictures inside my head that I probably won't get around to revisiting for some time.

As you probably know from my blogging, I love all manner of chickens, hens, cockerels, chicks etc. I think they are so "drawable" and cute. The four I have illustrated here are actually framed in a line and hung up in my home. I think they look really sweet. I love all the different styles of combs they have, and in fact, I could spend an inordinately long time just drawing cockerels head gear. As you can probably guess I have a lot of books featuring poultry.

The "Primavera" sketch is one that has been beetling around in my head for some time. Totally out of season of course, but who cares about that. I plan to colour this digitally over the coming week and you can expect an explosion of colour.

My featured artist this week is Angie Lewin, who is a very well know English printmaker. Her work features on a multitude of things including fabrics, prints, crockery, stationery etc. I love her contemporary printmaking style and she does some lovely alliums and umbellifers. If you would like to see more of her work, her website features lots more and can be found here.

Lastly I would like to thank my blogging friend Phyllis, spinknitandlife, for awarding me a blogging trophy as one of her favourite blogs. Many thanks for that Phyllis. Very kind of you. This is my second lovely trophy as I received one last time from the very talented Mellanie of Genxsters, which is a blog very worth visiting.

Hope you all have a good blogging week.


  1. How do you get such vibrant color !
    It's watercolor ?!
    I have these Dr Ph Martin's radiant concentrated water colors . They seem more like inks .
    Is that what you use ?

    The hens are such wonderful , vibrant colors !
    and you know I love sisters

    Love that you come and visit me .
    I don't even want to add more links of other artists . like you said ...there's not that much time ....and I want to visit you and the other artists I know now .

    it's always good to hear from you

  2. Hi Sandy. Many thanks for the comments. It is just ordinary artist quality watercolours I use. I did try inks but I couldn't really get the hang of them. When I scan them into Photoshop it probably brightens them a bit.

    I enjoyed doing the sisters hair styles. I got them out of a hair magazine. I fancy doing some more

    Definitely not enough time for blog reading but I try and make a point of visiting the people in my list at least once a week. There are so many brilliant blogs out there.

  3. Cathy,
    I love the Rainbow Tree and bird. Such beautiful colors. You have an eye for color.

  4. Hi Cathy, My tutorial week is over but now my computer is acting up ( excuse my non techy term) Thankfully we have a 2nd computer One step forward two steps back.

    Your posts are interesting as always. Thanks for the featured artists - Love finding new artists - Inspiring!!

  5. Thanks Phyllis. I love blending colours together in watercolour.

  6. Thanks Holly. I am in awe of some of the amazing artists and craftspeople around and so many have interesting blogs too.

    Sorry to hear about the computer problems. Mine is just very old and very slow. Its like watching paint dry waiting for websites to come up.

  7. I love "Rainbow tree with little bird", it would make a beautiful set of cards. Thanks for sharing Angie Lewin's work, I have been hunting down new artists myself recently and this is one to add to my list!

  8. Thanks very much Laura. Angie Lewin is certainly very talented and I love her work. I enjoy searching for artists. There is so much talent around to chose from.

  9. I love your cockerels. But then your designs are always a delight. I love those vivid colors. May I ask what colors you used? I'm am just starting to dabble with watercolors and would love to know.

    I'm so honored that you time out of your busy week to visit my blog. I know what you mean about blog reading. If I read every one I wanted I would never draw again!

  10. Thanks for the lovely comments Mellanie. It is great to create a piece of artwork that people enjoy looking at and encourages me to keep on drawing and painting. I have certainly produced more work since I have had my blog than I ever did before, but that is a good thing for me as I am quite

    My paints are just artists quality watercolours of any make really. I tend to go for the bright end of the spectrum just as a personal preference. I also brighten my designs up a bit in Photoshop if I think they need it.

    It is funny you should mention cockerels because I have just finished digitally colouring one of my old cockerel pen and inks with another five cockerels on it. I will be posting that this weekend. Can't have too many chickens and cockerels I say.

    As regards blog reading, it is so addictive that I have to stop myself from reading every one I see. When I see everyones blog list I just long to dip into it and find a few more new ones. I could be a professional blog reader I suppose....!!!
