Friday, July 25, 2008

"Love-in-a-mist" and Petra Borner

Tiny Dancer drawing
This was originally intended as a greetings card design
A tale in the telling
The love-in-a-mist flowers I grew from seed.

The following images are all Petra Borner's. The final one is one of her embroideries.

I am sitting typing this blog at 00.30 am. Far too late but I have got behind with everything and I did want to do it today...well actually it is tomorrow now but never mind. I have been browsing the internet and found the revamped website of one of my favourite illustrators (yes I know I say that about all illustrators I come across but this one is right at the top.) Her name is Petra Borner and she is a Swedish illustrator living in the UK. I came across her work quite a while ago but she has become much more popular now and her work is popping up everywhere. I recognise her style easily these days. I suppose her style is very contemporary with lots of wonderful up to the minute colour combinations and wonderfully clean lines and great design. Yes, you can tell I am a fan. I have illustrated this blog with a few of her works but you must visit her website here to see it all and there is a lot there to see. Oh and I love the way she draws hands too. You can see from my tiny dancer that I haven't worried too much about realistic looking hands with this one. Oh and I forgot to mention that she is a blogger too so check it out.

Since last year since I came across some beautiful photos of "love-in-a-mist" or nigella as it is otherwise known on Flickr, I have wanted my own crop to take some photos of. I just love these flowers completely. They are beautiful blues and creamy whites and quite complicated flower heads. The little buds are secreted away in a cocoon of ferny fronds and burst forth to give the loveliest blooms. They look pretty good in photos too. The flowers are also surrounded by these fronds, hence the name "love-in-a-mist" which I think is beautifully romantic. See what you think of my pictures of them anyway.

Just a short blog today as it really is sooooo late - night night.


  1. I like YOUR drawings !
    Tiny Dancer is good !

  2. Thanks Sandy. I had great fun drawing her. She has been in my sketchbook for years and has just now seen the light of day...LOL

  3. Many thanks Sally. Love your blog...great fun to read.

  4. Your Nigella is fabulous - my favorite summer flower! :D

  5. I love the Tiny Dancer and the photo of the flowers are beautiful.
    I love all the color on your blog. It's very uplifting.

  6. Thanks Phyllis. I like to see some colour too. Makes you feel much more happy I think.

  7. Thanks Gigi. I made a point of growing some this year because I saw some wonderful photos on Flickr last year. They are such beautiful flowers.

  8. Just wanted to let you know I like your new header. Very nice.

  9. Thanks very much Holly. I think it is certainly better than the temporary text one that was there before.

  10. Hi Cathy,

    I stumbled across your site while looking for an image for a blog post. I actually have written a short story called "Love-In-A-Mist" and was looking for a photo of the flower to post with the short story. I was wondering if it would be alright to use your image and post a link back to your site. I can send you the short story first if you'd like to have a read before you agree to it.
