Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bird Ladies and Cressida Bell


In The Garden Of AlliumsCressida Bell Decorative Art

I visited a local textile artist last Sunday as part of the Bucks Open Studio event, whereby artists and craftspeople open up their studios to display their works and show how they are made. The lady was Mary Gamester and her home studio was a revelation of colour and texture and form. I really enjoyed my time with her which extended to about an hour and a half. We had a great deal in common in artistic terms and also in our interest in churches, stained glass windows etc. She has a wonderful collection of beautiful sketch books with wonderful drawings from her visits to India and other countries. Her work in textiles is very varied and included wall hangings, boxes, bags, covered books and clothes. A veritable treasure trove. This very talented lady also teaches her subjects to others. I left her studio inspired to create.

One of my favourite decorative artists is the well-known Cressida Bell. She is related to both Virginia Woolf and Vanessa Bell of Bloomsbury fame. She applies her designs to all sorts of items and also to interiors etc. I love her bright, graphic style and stylised patterns. I found one of her books at a charity shop some years ago and I have included some photos of her work. Her website here is beautiful and well worth a visit. Another very talented lady.

I finished my drawing of "the girl with a bird on her head" called "In The Garden Of The Alliums". I found the alliums extremely hard to draw and make them realistic looking so I have just made them stylised instead. Have a look and see what you think. I quite enjoyed drawing ladies with birds so I have just completed another one called "Martha". This one is much simpler and an altogether better design I think. I have also included in the picture the photo in You magazine which sparked the idea off and a picture of a wonderful old outfit in a fashion book which I got from the library the other day. I wanted Martha to look a bit old fashioned and be simply dressed. Don't ask me where the bird comes in though? I am on a bit of a roll now and I will probably do a couple more lady and bird pictures. The two just seem to go together...lol.

I have also posted a sketch of a bird and a group of stylised trees. I like this sketch and will probably draw it as a finished piece of artwork.


  1. Love the sketch with the bird and the trees. It's gorgeous!

  2. Thanks Angela. I will get around to making a proper drawing of it soon.

  3. Thank you for the link to Cressida Bell. Her website is very inspiring - I love to find artists that have been able to build a business on their talent.

  4. I like the visitor and the alliums
    I like everything actually !
    What type of pen do you use ?

  5. She is great isn't she Holly? I wish I had her sense of design and colour.

  6. Thanks Sandy. I use Rotring Rapidograph of differing nib sizes. My smallest nib size is the smallest nib available at present anywhere. It is so small it is amazing the ink doesn't clog the nib.

  7. I just love visiting your blog. Not only do I get to enjoy your lovely designs, but you feature artists that I would never have come across. Thanks for being here!

  8. Thanks very much for that Mellanie. It is very nice of you to say so. I love looking at your great artwork on your blog too.
