Sunday, June 22, 2008

Dr. Who and the fickle hand of fate....!

This is a mermaid watercolour sketch I did recently. I do enjoy drawing and painting mermaids. I think I may have elongated her body a bit too much . Probably wishful thinking in my case. I am not sure I like the colours in the sea though. I may need to rethink that part.
This is Magda and she is just a figment of my imagination but I do have plans for her in a "proper" drawing at some stage. I like her hair and her rather fancy flower adornment. Definitely a stylish lady.
I enjoy producing pen and ink landscapes with very stylised trees. They are surprisingly quick to draw and have a lovely graphic feel to them.

This is a statue series which I photographed at a local garden centre and then photoshopped for some added drama.
I am a great fan of cats and really enjoyed drawing this pointillist tabby cat some years ago.
I watched a fascinating episode of Dr. Who yesterday which was all about fate and what could happen if we did one little thing differently in our lives and what huge changes there could be. Some of you won't know who Dr. Who is. It is an extremely long running (over 40 years) childrens' (and adult) series about a Time Lord who has control of a time machine and he and his assistants go whizzing through space and time doing good deeds. This episode featured his assistant Donna making a right turn in a car instead of a left turn and it resulted in changes on a global scale and the death of the doctor and many others, not to mention invasion by aliens. Very dramatic stuff. Can't wait for the conclusion next week.

I am sure that any changes which could have occurred in my life would not affect the earth but it is very intriguing to wonder what would have occurred in your own life if you just did one very small but very important thing differently. For instance where would I be now if I had decided nursing wasn't for me all those years ago. What would I be doing and where would I be? For some people it could the decision not to attend a party where they were destined to meet their future husband or wife, or even just deciding to walk along a different path from your usual and meeting someone you would never otherwise have met. So many possibilities and totally fascinating to think about them. I am a great believer in destiny and I think the really important things in our lives are meant to be and they will happen whichever path we take, whereas the smaller and lesser important things are left for us to decide. Anyway that is my theory and I am sticking to it. Nothing to do with art of course but I have been doing a bit of drawing and painting and the results are shown above for your perusal. I think fate and art make a good combination.


  1. I often think about fate too.. I am not really sure what my stance on believing in it or not is, but I do often wonder what would have happened if I had proverbially turned right instead of left at various points in my life.

    I also love the art in this post, especially your pen and ink landscapes with the stylized trees - keep making them! I could see some of your birds being worked into the concept too.

  2. Hi I didn't even read your whole post because I had to stop and write .............

    I LOVE Magda . I love her just the way she is .
    It's pure . It's not over worked . It's perfect right now !

    Sometimes an innocent , simple drawing is so wonderful

    I don't know the right words to use .... I just love the sweetness and simplicity of Magda

    okay Now I am going back to see what else you put in this post

    and ..... thank YOU . Thank you for coming to my blog . It means a lot to me !!!!!!

  3. I think it is totally fascinating Stephanie and I must admit I do spend a bit of time day dreaming about Glad you like the art.

  4. That is very nice of you to say so Sandy. I really enjoyed drawing her and her name just seemed to You have a great blog and I enjoy seeing your artwork.

  5. Beautiful work. Your mermaid wasn't too elongated, I think it's perfect. She feels very whimsical yet realistic. A perfect blend of fantasy and realism.

  6. Love the mermaid! Since I'm short waisted, I envy that elongated body!

  7. Thanks Angela. I am looking at her with new eyes after your lovely comment.

  8. Me too Jen, sadly, but perhaps long waisted people wish they had shorter waists and longer

  9. Love the stylised trees. I have a soft spot for Pen & Ink drawings. The tabby looks like my our Ember.

    As for destiny, I'm not sure. I have been reading two blogs by women that are changing careers and making arrangements to work at art full time. Maybe at some point you do what you were meant to do.

  10. You could be right Holly. I think if you are really determined to walk a certain path then you will go there. It must be quite a life changing move to go over to art full time. I applaud them and hope they succeed. I remember reading somewhere the following phrase: "if you believe you can, you can" I like that.

  11. I'm with Sandy on this one; as soon as I saw Magda I thought she was lovely as is. Terrific drawing!

    Lovely blog Cathy, I shall enjoy looking through it.

  12. Many thanks Helen. That is very kind of you to say so.
