Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bluebells, Blossoms and Angel Ladies

These are my sketches of the animal angels

Isn't spring the most beautiful season of all? Every year when I see the gorgeous light greens of the trees and the beautiful spring blossoms I wish that it could last just a little bit longer. There is such a profusion of lovely flowers starting with the snowdrops and crocuses, daffodils and tulips, fruit tree blossoms and bluebells, magnolia and wisteria and then suddenly, they have all disappeared until next year. They are not around long enough to appreciate them properly. Don't get me wrong, I love the flowers of summer too, but spring flowers are special, and the trees and foliage never have that fabulous fresh, bright green shade again.

Today I visited my little bluebell dell. It is a tiny piece of woodland adjoining a local cemetery but to have the profusion of bluebells that it has it must be very ancient woodland. Bluebells are a particularly English phenomenon. Eighty percent of Europe's bluebells are found in England and we love each and every one of them. At least I do. There was quite a breeze this afternoon, and when I reached the spot, the fragrance of bluebells was overwhelming in a wonderful way. I took about a thousand pictures as I always do but I was particularly pleased about how two of them turned out and I have included these above. The sun was shining and that always improves my photography. See what you think of them anway.

I have also included a shot of blossom that I took last year. I think it is cherry but don't hold me to that. I think that it is such a lovely shade of pink. The flower picture is forget-me-not. A great favourite of the Victorians.

I also had a little doodle around with some animal and fish loving angel ladies. I love sketching angels for some reason. I just like the thought of beings with wings I think. As a child I always drew angels as female but when I think of "proper" angels, I think of them as being neither male nor female. Do you believe in them? I bet you do really but just don't want anyone to know. I will probably draw them as finished artworks one of these days. I will need to borrow the family hands though, as drawing hands in proportion is one of my artistic failures. It is so easy these days just to take a digital photo, upload to the computer, resize, print and then trace the finished hands in the exact position you require. Of course, if I was a proper artist I would simply draw them in real life but that is just asking for trouble. I hope you like them anyway.


  1. hi cathy, i'm enjoying your blog! i love your needle point too, you work so well with colour. I'm so scared of it!

  2. hi cathy , me again, thanks for my comment in my blog, i do get a bit lonely in blogland!!

    your oystercatchers would look great in linocut! go for it.

    I find when i start to tighten up with my drawing I change hands, it works a treat! I'm all over the place, the best part it trying to write the title with my left hand. :)
