Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Stone Angels

I enjoyed a lovely day in London yesterday exploring....cemeteries! Yes, I am one of those odd people who love looking around churchyards and cemeteries, examining headstones and photographing monumental angels. I am continually astounded by the wealth of beautiful graveyard sculptures we have in this country. I visited East Finchley Cemetery and the photos I have posted above, I found there, except for the figure of death and the child which is from Golders Green Crematorium. It is called "into the silent land" and is very poignant sculpture.

Sadly many of the lovely angelic sculptures have fallen over and some are broken, whether by natural causes or vandalism I am not sure. To me it is a tragedy. The carving of the majority of the statues is exquisite and could easily grace an art gallery or museum. These, by virtue of what they are, are left to the elements and quite a few are showing signs of weathering and damage to the features of the faces. I would like to photograph as many as I can whilst they are still in good condition. The Victorians were incredibly sentimental about death and it is to them that we owe the existence of so many lovely graveyard angels in the UK.


  1. My goodness, those are gorgeous!!

    You have a lovely blog! :)

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment:-)
    I love visiting cemetries too.Recently I borrowed a book from the library about the most interesting headstones locally and I'm planning a bit of a tour....strange? I don't think so!
    Your drawings are wonderful bye the way!

  3. Hi,thanks. I am sure there are more of us around....LOL

  4. Hi Cathy, I've searched for an email address so that I could ask permission to use one of your beautiful photographs in my angel post. I have posted one photo on my blog with credits and directions back here. If you would rather I didn't use it I will remove it immediately.

  5. Thanks for the visit Robyn. I am more than happy for you to use my photos for your blog - after all that is what I do with other peoples' stuff...ha ha.

  6. How great to discover your work, blog, and vibrant personality on this first day of 2009!
    I too am passionate about walking in cemetaries and chronicling the stone monuments our ancestors have left behind be they angelic or architectural or symbolic...
    I look forward to interacting with you more in the year ahead!

    Tammy, aka crypticfragments

  7. Thanks very much for those kind words Tammy. You have some wonderful monumental statues in the States too. Great finding them on Flickr. Have a great 2009.

  8. I am also one of those odd people who love old graveyards. In fact i have a special blog about it, with pictures of old cemetaries and stone angels and poetry.
    Do you know this very special and beautiful site? : from photographer Jonatjan Clark. As you move your mouse over the photographs there is something going to happen. I think you will love it.

    Sweet greetz from Momo Luna

  9. Thanks Momo Luna. I did enjoy that site. He has some wonderful pictures. Very inspiring but then I always find old cemeteries fascinating and quiet places to be.
